b'Transformational TrendsAnalytics TechnologyEmerging The term Big Data refers to a large volume of data that organizations collect and maintain. The amount of data that is being collected world-wide has increased exponentially over the last few decades, currently 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily. Collecting quality data represents the foundation by which data insight Technology and business decisions can be made. 5However, the act of collecting data alone is not an effective change agent. Rather, the analysis of data and identification of actionable signals within the data are critical elements to successfully driving continuous improvement and positive change within the organization. A key to MGCCCs future success will be the ability of the College to support a robust data-warehouse infrastructure and to Thistechnologicalevolutionhashave sound capability to analyze statistics, make data-driven predictions, and leverage data as a tool to promote student success.fundamentallychangedthewayDistinguishing the signal from the noise requires both humans interact and the landscapescientific knowledge and self-knowledge: the serenity to accept the things we cannot predict, the courage to predict of higher education.the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 6~Nate SilverPrioritize Emerging TechnologyAs new technologies emerge in the market, it is vital for the College to stay current with innovative classroom technologies and learning platforms in order to remain relevant in higher education. The capabilities of emerging technology will have a transformative impact on the administrative and educational functions of the College. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual assistants, mobile learning, online conversation agents, and blockchain technology will make a deep impact on colleges in coming years. 7This ranges from pedagogical issues, such as custom individualized learning, to operational issues, such as blockchain-based transcripts and interactions with students. Analytic technologies provide a platform for decision-makers at the institution to consume information and make well-informed decisions. Technology can be leveraged as a powerful teaching and learning tool in the classroom and directly contribute to positive student learning outcomes. 112 MGCCC STRATEGIC PLAN2030'