b'Map LegendPerkinston Campus Phase 1 (13 Years)3.7 1.2 1.1 New Basketball Arena3.7 1.2 Renovate Alumni House Into Archives/Museum2.9 1.3 New ParkingAcademic and Housing1.4 Demolish Heidelberg Hall1.12 1.12 1.5 Owen and Moran Hall Interior Renovations and Faade Upgrades1.3 1.6 New ParkingUnion and Chapel2.4 1.10 1.7 Pedestrian Walk and Parking 1.8 Renovate Jackson Hall for Instructional Spaces2.7 1.9 Sekul Fieldhouse Faade Upgrades2.9 1.8 1.10 Malone Hall Interior Finish Upgrades3.3 2.2 2.3 1.11 New ParkingAthletics1.4 1.12 New Duplex Campus HousingPhase I3.2 2.1 1.53.3 1.6 3.41.3 1.6 Phase 2 (36 Years) 1.9 3.4 1.3 1.5 1.3 2.1 New Student Services Building 1.3 1.3 2.2 Demolish Mellinger and Add Green Space 3.1 2.6 2.3 Expand Parking for Visual Arts Center1.7 2.4 Demolish Darby Hall and Add Parking2.8 1.11 2.5 New Intramural Fields and Parking1.3 2.6 Expand West Plant and New Water Tower3.5 1.11 2.7 Expand East Plant1.1 3.6 2.6 2.8 Visitor Entry Plaza at Football Stadium (Drainage, Lighting, Accessibility, and Landscaping)2.9 New Duplex Campus HousingPhase II1.7Phase 3 (610 Years)1.7 3.1 Renovate Andrews Hall2.5 3.2 Renovate Denson Hall2.5 3.3 Renovate Stone and Huff Halls1.11 3.4 Demolish Campus Police Building (Move the Police Department to the Student Services Building), Reroute Road & Enlarge Parking Lot, and Construct Champions Center & Stadium Entry Facility3.5 Construct New CTE Facility2.5 3.6 Construct Soccer Press Box and Cover Bleachers3.7 New Duplex Campus HousingPhase IIIExistingN New FacilityRenovationEXCELERATE 203027'