b"procedures involved in an effectiveHRT 2623 - HospitalityCredit(s): 3 food and beverage control system,Human Resource including standards determination, theThis course is designed to provide the Management operating budget, cost-volume-profitknowledge to plan and implement the analysis, income and cost control,marketing and management of special menu pricing, labor cost control, andCredit(s): 3events and tourism events. (3,3,0) computer applications. (3,2,2) This course is designed to explore theHRT 2913 - Supervised HRT 2323 - Hospitalityprinciples of hospitality human resource management with anWork Experience in Hotel Facilities Management andemphasis placed on the study ofand Restaurant Management Designhuman behavior and human relations in the hospitality industry. (3,2,2)Credit(s): 3 Credit(s): 3 HRT 2713 - MarketingThis course is a cooperative program Design and manage the physical plantHospitality Servicesbetween industry and education and is of a hotel or restaurant and workdesigned to integrate the student's effectively with the engineering andtechnical studies with industrial maintenance department. (3,2,2)Credit(s): 3experience. Variable credit is awarded on the basis of one semester hour per This course covers the application of45 industrial contact hours. (3,0,9) HRT 2423 - Hospitalitymarketing methodologies and terms to Security Management andthe hospitality and tourism industry, Lawthe use of sales techniques for sellingHRT 2914 - Supervised to targeted markets, and developingWork Experience in Baking Credit(s): 3marketing plans for hospitality and& Pastry tourism operations. (3,2,2) This course explains issuesCredit(s): 4 surrounding the need forHRT 2843 - Fundamentals in individualized security programs,Travel and TourismThis course is a cooperative program examines a variety of securitybetween industry and education and is equipment and procedures, andCredit(s): 3designed to integrate the student's discusses internal and externaltechnical studies with industrial security for food service and lodgingThis course offers an overview ofexperience. Variable credit is awarded operations. This course providesactivities related to travel and tourismon the basis of one semester hour per awareness of the rights andincluding reservation tasks and45 industrial contact hours. (4,0,12) responsibilities that the law grants toservices. (3,2,2) or imposes upon a hotelier andHRT 2916 - Supervised consequences of failure to satisfyWork Experience in Hotel legal obligations. (3,2,2)HRT 2853 - Convention and Meeting Planningand Restaurant Management HRT 2613 - Hospitality SupervisionCredit(s): 3Credit(s): 6Planning, promotion, andThis course is a cooperative program Credit(s): 3management of meetings,between industry and education and is conventions, expositions, and events.designed to integrate the student's This course focuses on supervisory(3,2,2)technical studies with industrial skills in leadership styles,experience. Variable credit is awarded communication skills, motivationalon the basis of one semester hour per techniques, employee trainingHRT 2863 - Tourism 45 industrial contact hours. (6,0,18) techniques, and evaluation methods.Planning and Development (3,2,2) 309"