b'Transfer credit will be subject to the same SAP standards as institutional credits, and a SAP status will be assigned to the transfer student as calculated according to this policy. This status will be effective beginning the student\'s first term of enrollment at MGCCC. SAP Review and NotificationAcademic progress is reviewed at the end of each term to determine compliance with the grade point average (GPA), completion rate and maximum time frame standards. Students who fail to meet the GPA and completion rate standard for the first time will be placed on Financial Aid Warning status. Students who began the semester on "Financial Aid Warning" and still failed to meet the GPA and completion rate standard at the end of the semester will be placed on "Financial Aid Suspension". Students who exceed the maximum time frame standard for the first time, and subsequent times, will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension status.Attempts to notify all ineligible students via their MGCCC e-mail account will be made; however, MGCCC Web Services will serve as official notification of SAP eligibility. It is the student\'s responsibility to be familiar with SAP and to monitor his/her progress each term. Financial Aid AppealsStudents placed on "Financial Aid Suspension" due to extenuating circumstances may appeal this status by completing the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appealform and submitting supporting documentation and a graduation plan. Each appeal will be considered on its own merit by the Campus Financial Aid Appeals Committee.See Schedule (link )for deadlines and notification dates.Appeals submitted without supporting documentation and a graduation plan will be denied.Students will be notified of the appeal decision via official college e-mail and Web Services. Students who have completed the appeal process and have been approved will be placed on "Financial Aid Probation". Students must complete each probationary term in good standing to avoid being placed back on "Financial Aid Suspension". Because students must demonstrate "progress" in the GPA and completion rate, the minimum standards for students on probation are: Must follow the approved Academic/Graduation Plan Must earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA by the end of the probationary term Must not receive any withdrawals, failing, or incomplete grades (W, WP, WF, F, I, IP)Students who fail to meet the above standards at the end of the "Financial Aid Probation" semester will be placed on "Financial Aid Suspension" for future semesters. Campus Financial Aid Appeals CommitteeSatisfactory Academic Progress Appeals that are submitted with supporting documentation and a graduation plan by the deadline(s) will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee prior to the next scheduled payment. Students will be notified of outcome by the 15th of the month (1st of the month deadlines) or 1st of the month (15th of the month deadlines) or the next business day. Please see Standards of Academic Progress Appeals Schedule on the Financial Aid page of the college website.Appeals submitted without supporting documentation will be denied.The decision of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee is final. 48'