b'Credit(s): 1and part-writing. Lab instruction.performance will be given each Development of music sight-singing,semester. Open to music majors and The workshop is designed toear training and dictation skills.non-music majors. (1,1,0) introduce and engage students in allPrerequisites: MUS 1224 (4,3,2) facets of music theatre. OneMUS 2910 - Recital Class III performance will be given eachMUS 2224 - Music Theory semester. Open to music majors andIV, Lecture/LabCredit(s): 0 non-music majors. (1,1,0)Credit(s): 4Performances of solo and ensemble MUS 1821 - Music Theatreliterature by students majoring inWorkshop IIContinued study and review ofmusic. Attendance at a prescribed functional harmony through analysisminimum number of departmentally Credit(s): 1and part-writing. Introduction toapproved musical performances per twentieth century techniques. Labsemester also required.The workshop is designed toinstruction. Development of musicintroduce and engage students in allsight-singing, ear training and facets of music theatre. Onedictation skills. Prerequisites: MUSMUS 2920 - Recital Class IV performance will be given each1224 and MUS 2214 (4,3,2) semester. Open to music majors andCredit(s): 0 non-music majors. (1,1,0)MUS 2513 - Music for Elementary TeachersPerformances of solo and ensemble MUS 1910 - Recital Class Iliterature by students majoring in Credit(s): 3music. Attendance at a prescribed Credit(s): 0minimum number of departmentally Designed for the needs of theapproved musical performances per Performances of solo and ensembleelementary education student.semester also required.literature by students majoring inEssentials of public school music;music. Attendance at a prescribedstudy of the fundamentals of music. minimum number of departmentallyReading music notations andAssociate Degree approved musical performances perterminology. (3,3,0)Nursing (NUR) semester also required. MUS 2811 - Music Theatre MUS 1920 - Recital Class IINUR 1116 - LPN to RN Workshop III Transitional Program Credit(s): 0Credit(s): 1 Credit(s): 6 Performances of solo and ensembleThe workshop is designed to literature by students majoring inintroduce and engage students in allThis course is designed to assist the music. Attendance at a prescribedfacets of music theatre. OneLicensed Practical Nurse with minimum number of departmentallyperformance will be given eachtransition into the Associate Degree approved musical performances persemester. Open to music majors andNursing Program. The course focuses semester also required. non-music majors. (1,1,0)on concepts and practices that areconsistent with the roles of the Practical nurse and the Registered MUS 2214 - Music TheoryMUS 2821 - Music Theatrenurse, and which are also identified in III, Lecture/LabWorkshop IVSemester one and semester two of the Associate Degree/PN Exit Program at Credit(s): 1MGCCC. Eight program constructs Credit(s): 4are introduced, assessed, developed, The workshop is designed toand expanded throughout the course. Continued study and review ofintroduce and engage students in allUpon successful completion, the functional harmony through analysisfacets of music theatre. Onestudent will matriculate into semester 340'