About the Campus
This campus is comprised of 120 acres of land located one and three-quarter miles north of U.S. Highway 90, midway between Gulfport and Biloxi. The award-winning architectural design of the building complex features 22 structures to include several landscaped courtyards. Covered walkways not only provide sheltered passage but also form a visual tie for the complex and carry utilities throughout the complex, including air-conditioning.
Business: Houses fifteen faculty offices, seven lecture rooms, and four computer labs.
Music: Actually three buildings, the smaller building contains the Music Department with studio offices, practice rooms, rehearsal hall, work room, storage room, and pottery studio.
Fine Arts: The large building contains a sculpture lab, large multi-purpose room, six general classrooms, theatre with seating for 451 persons, two complete dressing rooms, costume workshop, scene shop, art gallery, and 7 offices.
Arena Theater: The east wing houses a 200- seat arena theatre and 2 offices. Also includes a scene shop and two large dressing rooms.
Science Annex: Houses six offices for instructors, two lecture rooms, and a science computer lab.
Science: Houses eleven offices for instructors, seven large lecture rooms, physics laboratory, inorganic chemistry laboratory, organic chemistry laboratory, general biology laboratory, zoology laboratory, a microbiology laboratory, two anatomy and physiology labs and a biomedical research lab. Each laboratory adjoins spacious storerooms and preparation rooms.
Learning Lab: The Learning Lab is a comprehensive, yet comfortable, academic tutoring facility open to all students that provides one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, and online instruction in writing, mathematics and science. The Learning Lab also provides computers with Internet access as well as study spaces.
Academic Classrooms: This building houses fifteen general classrooms of varying size. Classrooms in this building are used interchangeably for the general education courses.
Library: The Library provides comfortable study spaces and computers with Internet connections as well as print resources, periodicals, and DVDs. The Library also has a large online presence with access to over 70 online databases, with content ranging from streaming films to test prep to academic journal articles. The Library website also features an online catalog that allows users to request and reserve materials from any campus, online tutorials and guides, and reference assistance through email and chat.
Administration: This building houses a large commons area for student lounging, Cyber Café and Administrative offices including offices for the Vice President, Deans of Business Services and Teaching and Learning, in addition to two conference rooms and lobby area.
Physical Plant: Contains a large equipment room which houses the boilers, cold generating equipment and water-heating equipment providing air conditioning, heating and hot water for the entire campus. This building also contains a central control room for monitoring the operation of the central plant and the operation of air conditioning in all buildings campus-wide.
Physical Education: Contains two classrooms, five offices, storage and supply rooms, four student dressing rooms, a fitness center, restrooms, a gymnasium playing area which could be used for a full basketball court and/or used for two smaller cross courts, and a stage area which doubles as a physical activities area.
Career/Technical Complex — Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Contains large laboratories and classrooms. In addition, it contains the High School Equivalency, Adult Skills and English as a Second Language Program. The Construction Engineering Technology Building contains classrooms and computer lab. This building also contains five offices, two restrooms, mechanical and electrical equipment rooms and miscellaneous storage rooms.
Career/Technical Complex — Auto Body and Automotive Technology: Contains large laboratories, and classrooms, faculty offices, storage and supply rooms.
Career/Technical Complex — Residential, Commercial and Industrial Electricity: Contains two large laboratories, planning rooms, instructor offices, storage, and supply rooms.
Career/Technical Complex: This building contains a large conference room, general classrooms, storage facilities, four other offices, the Interpreter Training classroom and lab, and Career-Technical computer lab.
Early Childhood Education: This building houses the Early Childhood Education Technology Program, serving as a laboratory for the students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education Technology Program. The facility houses a pre-school consisting of an infant room, two year old room, three year old room and a four year old room where students gain practical learning experiences in working with pre-school children.
Eula W. Switzer: The west side of the building has four large classrooms, one large laboratory, one large storage room, one small laboratory, seventeen faculty offices, conference room, workroom, secretary’s office, and administrative office. Housed within the west side of the building is the Coding Technology, Computer Networking Technology, Cybersecurity Technology, Data Analytics Technology and Computer Programming Technology programs. Health Sciences programs are located on the east side of the building and houses Surgical Technology, Medical Assisting Technology and EMT/Paramedic programs. The east side of the building has 4 large classrooms, 3 large skill laboratories, 7 faculty offices, an amphitheater style classroom, work room, on-site health clinic, student lounge, and storage areas in each skill laboratory.
Hospitality and Resort Management Center: The facility opened in 2014 and houses Hotel Restaurant Management, Culinary, Baking and Pastry Arts, Banquet and Catering Service, and Business & Marketing Management. The facility contains four kitchens, providing students and community with access to a demonstration kitchen, baking kitchen, production kitchen and teaching kitchen. Space provided includes a mock guest room, front desk operation, faculty and administration offices, student lounge, and lockers. The facility also provides over 5,600 square feet of conference space and over 2,200 square feet of dining space. The Facility also contains 4 computer labs and 6 large classrooms for instruction.
Educational Development: Houses eight offices, academic classrooms, a storage area, two student and two faculty restrooms, and four labs for general education programs.
Maintenance: One story metal and brick combination building located in the back of the campus. It houses maintenance, shipping and receiving, grounds department, housekeeping and superintendent and assistant superintendent of maintenance and grounds.
Student Services: Multi-story building located on the southwest corner of the campus facing Switzer Road. First floor houses the Enrollment Services Center, Admissions-Records and Financial Aid Processing,. The Dean of Student Services and Enrollment Management office, the Assessment Center, and the Multi-Purpose Room U202 are found on the second floor.
Building A: The Campus Police Department, Welcome Center and Recruitment office are located on the South walkway in Building A.
Math and Computer Science: Houses ten faculty offices, seven lecture rooms, four computer labs, and a workroom.
Cafeteria: Includes large student dining area, two large banquet rooms, faculty dining room, and a full service kitchen and grill area with large serving area.
iMPAC: The Immersive Media Performing Arts Center (iMPAC) is a 62,000 square foot facility that includes a 1200 seat theatre, a flexible seating black box theatre, recording studio, classrooms, conference room, and dressing rooms. The facility houses the Live Entertainment Technology program.
Harrison County Campus Map