Anna Scovel, Harry Scovel and the Scovel family

A Family Tradition at MGCCC

The Scovel family has a deep-rooted connection with MGCCC. Anna’s mother, Carol, was a student worker and graduate, while her father, Harry, followed a similar path, becoming a student worker, graduate, and eventually an employee. This legacy extends to Anna’s siblings: Laura, who was dual-enrolled and later worked in the Veteran’s Affairs office; Anna herself, a Perk campus graduate and current employee; Luke, a JC graduate and skilled machinist; and Caleb, a Harrison County graduate and employee.

A Spark for Technology

Harry’s career at MGCCC began after a pivotal moment in 1994 when he bought his first computer. The purchase ignited his passion for technology. This newfound interest led him to pursue an associate degree in Computer Servicing Technology at Perk, where he excelled as a student worker under the guidance of instructor Rob Keys. Graduating in May 2000, Harry quickly transitioned to a full-time role as a PC Tech at the Harrison County Campus.

A Career of Dedication and Service

From 2000 to 2014, Harry served as a PC Tech, rotating through various campuses and providing essential IT support for faculty, students, and staff. His responsibilities included fixing computer issues, supporting events and football games, and becoming well-acquainted with all MGCCC campuses and centers.

In 2014, Harry advanced to the role of Infrastructure Technician, where he implemented and maintained door access systems and security cameras across all campuses. His expertise in handling new systems, coupled with his calm demeanor, made him a go-to person for resolving technology-related stress. His ability to make technology work seamlessly, even in challenging situations, became his hallmark.

One of Harry’s significant achievements was receiving the District Office Difference Maker award in 2016. He also enjoyed collaborating with campus police, often assisting them with security camera software during critical incidents, which earned him a special plaque upon his retirement.

Anna admires her father’s exemplary work ethic and approach to service. “Daddy has a great work ethic,” she said. “He and my mom both taught us to look for ways to serve those around us and to work as a team to get things done.” Harry’s dedication to ensuring systems worked flawlessly for the safety and convenience of students and staff alike set a high standard. His knack for customer service, honed during his early grocery store days, translated effectively into his IT roles, where he also trained and mentored new techs, including Anna and Caleb.

A Family Affair

Harry’s influence extended beyond the professional realm. He involved his children in his work, allowing them to assist in setting up computer labs and learn the basics of IT. These experiences made IT an appealing career choice for Anna and her siblings. “If you had asked me at the time if I wanted to work in IT as a career, I would have said no. But that exposure made IT seem like the easy and obvious choice when it was time to actually make a decision about college and career,” she reflected.

A Father’s Legacy

Harry’s legacy at MGCCC is evident through the respect and appreciation he garnered from colleagues and the lasting impact he had on the college community. His ability to fix lost files, resolve access issues, and offer a helping hand to anyone in need has left an enduring impression.

For Anna, Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor her father’s profound influence. “For me, Father’s Day is a day to honor the man God put in my life to tangibly represent God’s own love and provision for me. I feel very privileged that my Dad was not just involved in raising me, but also in making sure I got an education. I am very thankful to have him as a mentor in work and in life.”

Through Harry Scovel’s story, we see a portrait of a man whose dedication to his family and his work at MGCCC has created a legacy of mentorship, service, and unwavering support. This Father’s Day, we celebrate Harry and the countless ways he has touched the lives of those around him.