MGCCC celebrates students at Awards Day ceremonies
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College held Awards Day ceremonies at the Harrison County, Jackson County, and Perkinston campuses and the George County Center during spring semester 2023. Awards Days, held at each location during April, honor students for scholastic achievement, dedication to duty, and hard work.
George County Center students are Yessenia Joiner, Hall of Fame, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Zander Smith, highest average in English Composition I; Kallie Steede, highest average in English Composition I, General Psychology Award; Tyler Farris, highest average in English Composition II; Emily Lucas, highest average in World Literature I, Child Psychology Award; Alexia McPeek, highest average in World Literature II; Gianna Ellison, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 1134 (Fall 2022); Jacqueline Brooke Englund, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 1134 (Fall 2022); Ashley Parnell, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 1134 (Spring 2023); Brelyn Richelle-dene’ Thompson, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 1144 (Fall 2022); Cheralind Turek, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 2514 (Fall 2022) George County Center’s Great Mathematician Award; Sandra Gayle Fike, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 2524 (Fall 2022); Michaela Lynne Swann, Scholastic Achievement in Biology 2924 (Spring 2023); Lillian Boyle, highest average in College Algebra (Fall 2022); Morgan Smith, highest average in College Algebra (Spring 2023); Ashleigh Nieves, highest average in Calculus I; Christopher Hudson, highest average in Tech Math; Alyvia Collins, highest average in Introduction to Statistics; Stacey Bonner, Electrical Outstanding Student; Nathaniel Halterlein, Electrical Outstanding Student; Emily Breeden, The Extra Mile Award in Electrical Technology; James Howard, The Yes, I Can Award in Electrical Technology; James Dean, Rising Star Award in Electrical Technology; Chelsey Brown, Rising Star Award in Electrical Technology; Joshua Grice, Work Ethics Award in Electrical Technology; Christopher Hudson, Outstanding Improvement Award in Electrical Technology; Larry Sims, Outstanding Improvement Award in Electrical Technology Award; Daphne Caplan, highest clocked hours in Cosmetology; Megan Coy, highest clocked hours in Cosmetology; and Molena Copland, highest average in Cosmetology.
Students from the Harrison County Campus are Randy Titler, Outstanding Student in Business Administration; Jayde Martin, Outstanding Student in Business and Office Technology; Matt Thomas, Excellence in Criminal Justice (AA); William Feurt, Excellence in Criminal Justice (AAS); Amy Johnson, Rising Star in Hospitality; Cheyenne Wright, Tournant Award; Cori Dobbs, Outstanding Boulanger; Madison Riley Maaya, Outstanding Student in Mathematics; Nathan Lowery, Outstanding Student in Simulation and Game Design; Mary Alice Rhea , Outstanding Student in 3D Modeling; Clyde Thompson, Outstanding Student in Computer Networking Technology, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Tyler Jenkins, Outstanding Student in Computer Networking Technology; Charles Harris, Outstanding Student in Coding Technology; Chelbi Cates, Outstanding Student in Computer Programming Technology; Timothy Gregory, Outstanding Student in Data Analytics Technology; Annabelle Silvas, Award in US History; Jason Zehnpfennig, Outstanding Student in World History; Karla Arias, Outstanding Student in Sociology, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Austin Hanrahan, Outstanding Student in Psychology; Ronald Harper, Outstanding Student in African American History; Valerie Salgar, Award in Early Childhood Education; Anthony Guadalupe, Outstanding Student in English Composition; Caroline Sullivan, Excellence in English Composition; Resa Sobandi, Outstanding Student in Composition II; Renna Spears, Outstanding Student in Literature, Outstanding Student in Traditional Grammar; Jacob Waites, Excellence in Creative Writing; Nevaeh Hartley, Outstanding Student in Italian; Johnnie Sciortino, Outstanding Student in Italian; Paul Sciortino, Outstanding Student in Italian; Jane Dunn, Outstanding Student in Italian; Mary-Page Bronis, Outstanding Student in Spanish; Ebony Samuels, Most Improved Student in Spanish; Lily Bridges, Outstanding Student in Spanish; Viviann Tran, Outstanding Student in Chemistry; Vinh Vo, Outstanding Student in Physical Education, Excellence in Service, Who’s Who Among Student MGCCC, Citizenship Award, Mr. Harrison County, Hall of Fame, Rembrandt van Rijn for Outstanding Use of Lighting; Leslie Carraway, Outstanding Student in Honors Biology I; Gavin Barkum, Outstanding Student in Music Theory II; Terry Sprouse, Outstanding Student in Music Theory II; Cameron Broome, Excellence in Theatre; Darrien Brooks, Most Improved in Theatre; Lisa Tran, The Élisabeth Le Brun Award for Excellence in Portraiture; Serrenna Smith, The Mary Cassatt Award for Excellence in Painting; Kyla Ramos, Michelangelo Award for Overall Excellence in the Arts; Savannah Hughes, The Alphonse Mucha Award for Excellence in Line; Genesis Ulloa Garcia, Salvador Dali “Creativity in the Arts” Award; Misty Manning, Outstanding Student in Speech, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Mary S. Graham Scholarship to USM, Hall of Fame; Bethane Holland, Outstanding Student in Speech; Anna Taylor, Excellence in Honors, Outstanding in Leadership in Omicron Alpha Chapter of PTK, CELO Officer Service Award, Excellence in Biomedical Research, Outstanding Collegiate Academy Student (Sophomore), Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Rachel Vivian, Outstanding in Leadership in Omicron Alpha Chapter of PTK, Excellence in Service (Reflections), Excellence in Service (Student Government Association), Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame, Miss Harrison County; Valerie Salgar, Outstanding in Leadership in Omicron Alpha Chapter of PTK; Summer Mechanic, Outstanding in Leadership in Omicron Alpha Chapter, Outstanding in Leadership, CELO Officer Service Award; Austin Hanrahan, Outstanding in Leadership in Omicron Alpha Chapter; Emily Tannehill, Outstanding in Leadership, CELO Officer Service Award, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Citizenship Award; Jayda Guy, CELO Officer Service Award, Outstanding Collegiate Academy Student (Sophomore), Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Leilani Espola- Ayala, CELO Officer Service Award; Jayci White, CELO Officer Service Award; Alexandria Cruz, CELO Ambassador Award, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Brandis Stone, CELO Ambassador Award; Charli-ana Posey, CELO Ambassador Award, Outstanding Collegiate Academy Student (Freshman); Hannah Landry, CELO Ambassador Award; Ja’Liyah Jackson, CELO Ambassador Award; Kailey Milsap-Naylor, CELO Ambassador Award; Courtney Culwell, CELO Ambassador Award; Gabrielle Knighten, Outstanding Collegiate Academy Student (Freshman); Madelyn Lynch, Outstanding New Member (CELO), Hall of Fame, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Kadence VanDeVelde, Spirit of Reflections; Vy Nguyen, President (Reflections), Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Vaiden Ross, Outstanding Member (Reflections); Victoria Sanders, Outstanding Member (Reflections); Derik Xayasane, Excellence in Service, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Katelyn Mobley, Excellence in Service; Kathy Le, Excellence in Service; Angelina Xayasane, Excellence in Service; Milton Anthony, Excellence in Service; Corey Johnson, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Victoria Sanders, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Dawson Fayard, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Ryan Gremillion, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Diane Lopez-Martell, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Tyler Jenkins, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Leilani Espola-Ayala, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Mason Willis, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Cristal Cortes, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Carolina Carriere, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Natalie Duke, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; MaCaleb Ladner, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Excellence in Service; Hayden Buckelew, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Brylee Prince, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Austin Hanrahan, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Amanda Baker, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame, Outstanding Student in Computer Networking Technology; Abbie McGehee, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Abigail McGehee, Who’s Who Among Students MGCCC; Ashlynn Roswell, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; Jasmyn Montiforte, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame; and Jack Dean, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Hall of Fame, Outstanding Student in Computer Science.
Jackson County Campus students are Moises Aceituno, Outstanding 1st semester Electronics; Lauren Adams, International Business; Seth Allen, Outstanding 1st semester Instrumentation and Controls student; Elisa Barlow, CELO Emerging Leader Award; Ehtan Bennett, Academic Achievement Award – Freshman; Jamichael Black, Freshman Excellence Award and Rising Star Award in Piano Performance award; Casey Blanton, Anatomy and Physiology I; Peyton Boler, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students and Hall of Fame; Natalie Boren, Outstanding Student in Biology II; Janell Boudreaux, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Anjelica Brazile, Human Services Student of the Year; Alexis Brown, Academic Achievement Award – Freshman; Alexander Brown, eSports Athlete of the Year at JC; Christian Canfield, Japanese II Award; Jennifer Carter, Dr. James Baggett Anatomy & Physiology Award; Jason Como, Outstanding performance in Welding; Sheena Daffron, Administrative Office Technology; Lillis-Ann Dunsworth, Outstanding Campus Activities Board Member, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students and Hall of Fame; Elizabeth Eady, School of Human Sciences and Education Student of the Year and Outstanding Student in Kinesiology award; Kahlil Ellison, QEP Award for Excellence in Embracing Essential Skills; Dalin Evans, Distinguished Student Award – Sophomore; Tristen Farmer, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Gaven Farmer, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Daleisha Francis, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Hannah Fritz, Spanish II Award; Rylee Fry, History Student of the Year; Jake George, Macroeconomics and Outstanding Accounting Student; Jarrod Gingell, Outstanding Achievement in Speech; Allanna Goleman, Outstanding Circle K International Member; Iain Hammond, Business Management Technology; Rebecca Havens, Legal Environment of Business and William Winter Student Scholar ; Alysen Hester, Visual Arts Scholarship; Brandon Hodges, Mathematics Award, Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students and Hall of Fame; Perry Hopstein, English Composition II Award; Emma Hoven, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Devon Wish Kay, Outstanding Achievement in Theatre; Julie Le, Freshman Excellence in Honors College; Ebony Lee, Outstanding Business Student; Brian Louis, Outstanding Physics Student and Highest Average and 2023 NASA Space Grant STEM Scholarship; Sean Luciano, Accounting II; Juan Pablo Maldonado, Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished Chapter Member and Business Statistics; Jared Ridge Mathews, Outstanding Student Government Association Member, Most Creative Hispanic American Club Officer Award, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, and Hall of Fame; Miles McCon, Outstanding Physics Student and Highest Average; Leslie McCurdy, Business Management Technology; Timothy Miller, Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry, JC Student Life Award, Jack & Sylvia Bradley Scholarship Award, Mississippi State University Presidential Partnership Scholarship, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, Hall of Fame, and Citizenship Award; Carmyn Miller, ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) Award, Anatomy and Physiology II, The University of Mississippi Lyceum Scholarship, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, and Hall of Fame; Ja’Kaylee Minor, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Ja’Shaylee Minor, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Sydney Mitchell, JC Choral Activities Overall Excellence 2022-2023 and Award for Excellence in Music Theory III and IV; Ethan Mitchell, Outstanding Student in Physics; Bradley Moore, Outstanding 3rd semester Instrumentation and Controls student; Kylie Nadzieja, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Dale Nall, Ace of Ideas; Natalie Neumaster, CELO Outstanding Leadership Award; Alex Nguyen, eSports Team of the Year at JC and Engineering Award; Andrew Nguyen, eSports Team of the Year at JC; Kaylin Nguyen, Accounting I; Autumn Nixon, Academic Achievement Award – Freshman; Elizabeth Page, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Austin Parker, JC Student Life Award, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students and Hall of Fame; Dalvin Parker, Outstanding performance in Welding; Cheyenne Parkmond, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students and Hall of Fame; Monica Pascual, Circle K International Leadership Award, Excellence in Leadership Hispanic American Club Award, Microeconomics Award, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, Hall of Fame, and Citizenship; William Sky Paulk, Outstanding Student Anatomy and Physiology I and 2023 NASA Space Grant STEM Scholarship; Ezequiel Perez, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Angel Perez, 2023 NASA Space Grant STEM Scholarship; Leah Perkins, Outstanding Student in Physics; Khang Pho, Outstanding Student in Biology I; Shambrell Powe, Outstanding Student Anatomy and Physiology I; Auriel Quiroz, 2023 NASA Space Grant STEM Scholarship; Olivia Reed, Gaming Club – Graphics & Advertising Award, Sophomore Excellence in Honors College, and Outstanding Achievement in Art; Makenzie Rich, Most Outstanding Reflections Member, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, and Hall of Fame; Mallory Rich, Who’s Who; Shannon Richardson, Spanish I Award; Colesie Ring, Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished Chapter Officer, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, and Hall of Fame; Preston Robbins, Servant Leadership Award, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, and Hall of Fame; Andrew Rountree, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Austin Rummel, Outstanding Process Operation student; Daniel Ruth , Outstanding Student in Biology II; Victoria Saewert, Distinguished Student Award – Freshman; Natalie Santiago, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Andie Schwartz, Outstanding Student in Physical Science; Kayla Shish, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Anabelle Silvas, Outstanding Student in Physical Science; Lawrence Simmons, Outstanding Student in Chemistry II; Michael Steelman, 2023 NASA Space Grant STEM Scholarship; Anthony Stewart, Computer Applications in Business and Industry; Madison Stork, Outstanding Student in Biology I; Kiyoshi Takahashi, Freshman Excellence in Honors College, Outstanding Student in Chemistry I, and Rex Moak Scholarship; Simeon Tanner, Award for Excellence in Music Theory I and II and Award for Excellence in Applied Piano; Kathleen Taylor, Choir Leadership Award and Award for Excellence in Applied Voice; Nukia Tillis, Academic Achievement Award – Freshman; Rylee Trahan, Outstanding 2nd semester I&C -Electronics; Anna Valenzuela, Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished Chapter Officer, Outstanding Hispanic American Club Officer Award, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students and Hall of Fame; Baileigh Vaughan, Gaming Club – Difference Maker Award and Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Zackery Waldron, Rex Moak Scholarship; Davis Walker, Business Calculus Award; Camille Wall, Mississippi Faculty Association of Community & Junior Colleges Scholarship; Kaitearia Ward, Outstanding Circle K International Member; Alexis Warren, Outstanding Achievement in Art; Amelia White, Academic Achievement Award – Sophomore and Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Lilith Williams, Gaming Club – Rising Star Citizenship Award; Lesley Williams, 2023 NASA Space Grant STEM Scholarship; Victoria Williams, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students; Ashlee Wyatt, Ace of Initiative and Outstanding Student Anatomy and Physiology II; Jane Yarbrough, Outstanding Student Anatomy and Physiology I; and Edna Zamarron Gonzalez, Mathematics Award, Who’s Who Among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Students, and Hall of Fame.
Students from the Perkinston Campus are Owen Adams, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Computer Science; Chequoia Adderly, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Jayla Anderson, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Ashton Baker, FBLA – Network Design, 3rd Place; Kirkland Bond, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Christina Beland, Creative Writing; Zaria Cooper, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Angelina Courcelle, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame, Citizenship Award, Reflections Team Award; Patrick Danzey, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Jane Dunn, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Jon Easterling, Creative Writing; Kristopher Elly, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Emma Farve, Outstanding Perkette Sophomore; Caroline Hairston, Outstanding Perkette Freshman; John Hermes, FBLA – Computer Concepts, 2nd Place; Janiya Hunt, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Emilee Hurst, Outstanding Student Early Childhood Education; Jeremiah Jackson, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame, Citizenship Award, Reflections, People’s Choice Award; Kelly Jarell, Psychology; Kendall Jasper, Intramural Player of the Year; Jackson Kostmayer, English Composition I; Pacey Johnson, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Alexandra Lawson, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame, Extraordinary Service; Jennifer Lechuga, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Resident Assistant of the Year; Miryah Lee, English Composition II; Ja’ques Liddell, Resident Assistant of the Year; Aaliyah Lofton, World Literature I; Katelyn Lutkins, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Jack McKay, Perk Players Drama Award; Aidan McKeon, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Mathematics Academic Excellence; Brandon Merwin, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Sydney Miller, Educational Psychology; Mackenzie Owen, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Shalunda Owens, Outstanding Student Early Childhood Education; Alisha Peek, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Brycen Phillips, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Cara Pitts, English Composition II; Micheal Rautenberg, FBLA – Network Design, 3rd Place; Eli Ross, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Samiah Talley, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Jalen Thomas, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame, Resident Assistant of the Year; Han Tran, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Avery Turner, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC; Christian Whatley, FBLA – Computer Concepts, 1st Place; Henry Wilson, AI Excellence; Hayden Williams, AI Excellence; Ashlegh Wine, Order of the Golden Key; Madison Yates, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; Mason Young, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, Engineering; Maria Zaldivar, Who’s Who Among Students at MGCCC, MGCCC Hall of Fame; John Broughton III, Outstanding Student Government Association Member; D’Neisha Anderson, Campus Activities Board Outstanding Member of the Year; and De’Aisha Miller, Campus Activities Board Outstanding Member of the Year.