Foundation Scholarships
The MGCCC Foundation offers hundreds of privately-funded scholarships to help both new and returning students pay for college. These scholarships are made possible by alumni, community members, employees, and local businesses. To be considered, students should complete the Foundation’s general application by the priority deadline of April 1st.
MGCCC Foundation Scholarships are made available through generous gifts from individuals, corporations, and organizations. They are awarded to students based on merit and/or need, depending on the eligibility criteria established by the donor. Funding of scholarships is contingent upon availability of funds.
The MGCCC Foundation offers hundreds of privately-funded scholarships to help both new and returning students pay for college. These scholarships are made possible by alumni, community members, employees, and local businesses. To be considered, students should complete the Foundation’s general application by the priority deadline of April 1st.
Foundation Scholarships
To review and apply for Foundation Scholarships, please click + for each category.
The We Are Memorial Scholarship 2024Apply Now
The alliance between Memorial Hospital and MGCCC is designed to offer scholarship funding that will provide opportunities for students to enter the healthcare field and support the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community.
Memorial Health System is offering scholarship funding that will provide opportunities for students to enter the healthcare field and support the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community.
Applications will be submitted to a scholarship review committee comprised of dedicated program leaders at Memorial Health System.
The number of scholarships will be determined each semester.
Recipients must be a student entering their last semester in one of the following programs
- Associate Degree in Nursing
- Practical Nursing
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care Technology
- Surgical Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology
We are Memorial Scholarship Criteria
- Scholarship recipients will be required to make a commitment of up to 2 years to Memorial Health System.
- Cumulative GPA > 2.5
- Recipients can receive other scholarships/tuition assistance awarded by their school or other entity.
- Students should submit their applications at the start of the academic year in which they intend to graduate.
Application Materials
- 500 – 1,000 word essay: Why did you choose your field of study and Why do you want to work at Memorial Health System?
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from instructors or preceptors
- Unofficial transcript that includes name, student ID#, cumulative GPA, and program of study
- Resume
Breakdown of Scholarship Amounts by Program
- ADN: $5,000
- RCT: $4,000
- LPN: $3,800
- RGT: $3,500
- SUT: $3,000
- MLT: $3,000
The Chevron ScholarshipApply Now
The Chevron Scholarship is available exclusively to residents of Jackson, Harrison, Stone and George Counties, Mississippi, who are enrolled at MGCCC’s Jackson County Campus.

Awards are based on the below criteria:
The applicant must be majoring in one of the following programs at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College:
- Process Operations Technology
- Instrumentation and Controls Technology
- Precision Manufacturing and Machining Technology
- Welding Technology
- Automation and Controls Technology
- Any of the three MSU Engineering on the Coast
programs (Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial)
The minimum application criterion is a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and student must be enrolled in and complete 15 credit hours each semester.
Scholarship amounts will be $1000 per award. Students can receive a $500 renewal scholarship if they sustain a 3.0 or higher GPA.
*The number of scholarships will be determined each semester.
Privately Funded / Named ScholarshipsApply Now
Our donors provide specifications for scholarships they initiate and fund. Students will be considered for specific scholarships based on your application, student status, and other scholarship requirements. Award amounts vary.
Scholarship | Restrictions |
A. P. Jr. and Frances Ramsay Shoemaker Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Mississippi majoring in a health related field, attending any campus, and maintaining a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship may be awarded for two years. |
A.I. & Lynn Rexinger Fund | Recipient must attend Perkinston Campus. |
Abe and Toni Abrams Scholarship | Recipient must be a Respiratory Therapy or Associate Degree Nursing attending the Jackson County Campus. Recipients are obligated to one year at Singing River Hospital System. |
Amelia Barrow Benson Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of Vancleave High School. Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient may attend any MGCCC campus. |
Annual Gala Scholarship | Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus maintaining a 3.0 GPA. Recipient is encouraged to be involved in at least one Campus activity, unless in a career technical program or a non-traditional student. |
Atkinson-Harmonson Memorial Scholarship | General scholarship. |
Attis & Ruth O'Neal Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Stone County and a graduate of Stone High School. Recipient must have maintained a "B" average in high school along with high moral character, citizenship, initiative, and leadership. Dependents of MGCCC employees are not eligible to receive this scholarship. |
Audrey Maltby Memorial Scholarship | Recipient shall exhibit financial need. Recipient must attend the Harrison County Campus. Recipient must be a non-traditional student. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Barbara Ferrill Memorial Scholarship | Scholarship amounts will be determined annually. Funds not distributed as scholarships may be used for general support of the Women's Softball team. |
Becky Bacot Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend Jackson County Campus. Recipient must have an area of interest in Nursing or other health occupations. |
Boyce Holleman/Harrison County Scholarship | Recipient must be a current employee of Harrison County, Mississippi (minimum of 5 years) or the dependent child of such employee. Recipient must be a full time student attending the Harrison County Campus with a minimum ACT score of 20 or a returning Sophomore with a 2.5 GPA or higher. |
Bradley Emmett Bustin Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Mississippi. Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus. If there are no Jackson County Campus recipients who meet the criteria, then the recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus or Center. Recipient must be a permanently physically challenged graduate of Gautier High School. If there are no Gautier High School graduates, then the recipient must be a permanently physically challenged graduate of any other high school or high school equivalency recipient. Recipient must have an area of interest in health care field (Respiratory Therapy, Radiologic Technology, Medical Technology, or Nursing). Receipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient can be a full-time or part-time student. This scholarship shall not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Bright Beginnings Scholarship: Advancing Education for Young Parents | This scholarship is meant to help young parents ages 16-25. The recipient must maintain a 2.75 GPA or higher. The recipient must attend the MGCCC Jackson County Campus. The recipient must show that they are in need by applying for FAFSA and State Aid. This scholarship can exceed tuition, books, fees, and housing to be used as a refund. |
Bunny Sholl/Eula Carter Endowed Scholarship | May attend the Perkinston Campus. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA. |
Buster and Virginia Stringfellow Scholarship | Recipient must be a Stone High School graduate with a 2.5 GPA average, must exemplify strong moral character and good citizenship. Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. |
Cayce Seal Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be enrolled in the MGCCC Lineman Program. Recipient must be a Hancock County Resident; if no Hancock County residents are in the Lineman Program, then, other counties will be accepted. Recipient must write/type an essay answering the following questions: 1. Who was Cayce Seal of Bay St. Louis, MS? 2. What caused his death? 3. What qualities or characteristics do you have that are similar to Cayce Seal? 4. What attributes could you add to your life to be more like Cayce Seal? |
Centennial Scholarship Fund | Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus or Center. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Recipient is encouraged to be involved in at least one campus activity, unless the student is in a career and technical program or a non-traditional student. The amount of this scholarship shall not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Charles Mitchell Williams Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Harrison County Campus or Perkinston Campus. Selection is based on need, scholarship, or other reasons apparent at the time of the grant. |
Chef Daniel J. Sperbeck Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a student entering their final year in the Culinary Arts Program. Recipient must come from the recommendation of one of the Culinary Arts instructors. |
Chief Danny Garner Memorial Scholarship | Recipient shall be selected by a MGCCC scholarship committee. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus or Center. Priority shall be given to recipients with an area of interest in criminal justice and planning a career as a law enforcement officer or other criminal justice related field. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA for the fall semester to receive the award the spring semester. This scholarship shall not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Clare Hornsby Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus majoring in pre-law. |
Clarence and Jetty Bonnett Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of George County, maintaining a "C" average and attending any MGCCC Campus. Extra circular and community activity is encouraged. |
Claude and Mary Ann Boykin Nursing Scholarship | Recipient must have an area of interest in the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Coach Clem Dellenger Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be attending the Perkinston Campus. |
Coach Fred Gill Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of George County. Recipient must be a full-time student. Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipieint must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Coach William C. Boone Scholarship | Recipient must be a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. Recipient must exhibit financial need. |
Combat Veteran’s Motorcycle Association (CVMA) Scholarship | Recipient must be a veteran or the spouse/dependent of a military veteran. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. Recipient must submit a personal statement to include academic goals, goals after graduation, community service involvement, and why supporting our veterans in America is important to them. Recipient shall be required to attend a Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association meeting to meet the donors. |
Cooper Roberts Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident and first preference given to a member of the First United Methodist Church of Pascagoula. |
Dahlia Read Reeves Scholarship | Recipient must be a sophomore attending the Harrison County Campus pursuing an academic transfer program in the field of Education. |
Dantzler Family Forestry Scholarship | Recipient must be taking courses toward a 4 year degree in forestry or forestry related degree. |
Daryl W. Redmond Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend Perkinston Campus and have a physical disability. |
Davis Mortensen Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston or Jackson County Campus, the award is based on need or other reasons apparent at the time of grant. |
Desmond Walker Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a vocational student attending the Harrison County Campus. |
Diane J. Wood, R.N. Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a nursing student that is 25 years of age, with preference toward those with young children. Recipient must have no college transcript or a transcript of less than 20 class hours, prior to their current enrollment. Student must maintain a 2.5 GPA |
Don Massengale Scholarship | Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient must be a graduate and resident of Jackson County. Recipient may have any area of interest including Career and Technical fields. The recipient must maintain a "C" average and show good citizenship qualities. This scholarship shall not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Douglas Hague Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident attending the Jackson County Campus. Award based on need or other reasons apparent at the time of grant. |
Dr. Adreain M. and Karen A. Henry First Generation College Student Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus with a 2.5 GPA. Recipient must be a first generation college student and must provide a list of all school activities in the past four years. |
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Strickland Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus maintaining a 2.5 GPA and exemplify strong moral character and good citizenship. |
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gruich Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Harrison County. Recipient must be pursuing an area of interest in brick laying or related field. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. Recipient must exhibit financial need. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Dr. Claude Louis and Hilda F. Campbell Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus and pursue any course of study, regular, GED, or career and technical. |
Dr. Don and Marie Stephenson Non-Traditional Scholarship | Recipient may attend any MGCCC campus. He/she must be pursuing a degree and maintaining a 3.0 GPA. |
Dr. Laurie L. Calhoun Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient must attend Jackson County Campus. Recipient must be a graduate of Moss Point High School or East Central High School maintaining a "B" average. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Dr. Mike Fooladi Memorial Scholarship | Recipients may attend any campus and enrolled in any program. Recipients are required to submit an essay. |
Dr. Ottis G. Ball Medical Scholarship | Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. Recipient must have an area of interest in the following: Pre-Med, Pre-Nursing, Physical Therapy, Radiology (therapeutic or digestive), Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Medicinal Dietary, Pre-Respiratory Therapy, Pre-Dental, and Pre-Occupational Therapy. Recipient must have maintained a "B" average in science classes in high school. Recipient must demonstrate highest potential for success at end of first year to apply to receive the scholarship for a second year. |
Dr. Rex Moak Memorial Science Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics and maintaining a 3.0 GPA |
Dr. Willis H. Lott Scholarship for Excellence | Recipient must have proven leadership in high school with a GPA 3.5 or higher. Recipient must be a full-time student planning to continue their education at a four year institution. |
Earl King Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. |
Ed Manis Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of Stone High School and a student living off-campus. The recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to receive the award their sophomore year. Recipient must be a full-time student and display good citizenship and be involved in school/community projects and/or activities. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. |
Edward A. & Eva P. Khayat Scholarship | Recipient must be 21 years or older, in academic, vocational or technical programs. Recipient may attend any campus |
Eward Grodzicki Fund | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. Recipient must be a graduate of Gulfport High School. |
Elizabeth H. Thompson Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Jackson or George Counties attending the Jackson County Campus. Must be a Music Major or Fine Arts Major. |
Elsie Rath Scholarship | Recipient must be a Stone High School graduate majoring in Education with a 2.5 GPA. |
Emilie Marie Stapp Rausch Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus with little or no other sources of financial aid. |
Essie Hall Brooks Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of MGCCC GED program in Stone County and may attend any campus. |
Ethel Whatley Kroker Scholarship | Recipient must be a student in need. |
Eugene Clement Music Scholarship | Recipient shall have an area of interest in music or related fine arts field. Recipient shall attend the Perkinston Campus. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Eula & Clifton Switzer Scholarship | Recipient may attend any MGCCC campus. The recipient shall receive the scholarship semi-annually for a two year period. Recipient must maintain a 2.0 GPA the first year and a 2.5 GPA the second year. |
Eula Lee Newby Price Scholarship | Recipient must be majoring in business administration or electrical engineering. Preference will be given to residents of Jackson County residents first, Harrison County residents second, and other residents of Mississippi third. |
Fayard and Wink Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Biloxi or the North Biloxi area and may attend any campus |
Floyd and Zenobia Gill Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus. Selection is based on need or other reasons apparent at the time of award. |
Frances Pennington Scholarship | Recipient must attend Harrison County Campus. Recipient must be at least age 21, working full-time or part-time with children. Recipient must have a 2.5 GPA in high school and 2.75 GPA in college. |
Frank A. Balcer Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be an entering freshman (high school or home school graduate). Recipient must have an area of interest in a Career Technical program. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA for the fall semester in order to receive the award for the spring semester. Recipient must be a U.S. citizen. Recipient must be a resident of Jackson County. Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient must indicate a strong desire to start a career - based on conversation, personal statement, or other information received from district-wide scholarship committee. |
Frank and Charles William Breland Peacock Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of Stone High School. Recipient may attend any campus. |
Fred Leroy Newby Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be an Electrical Engineering major maintaining a 2.0 GPA. Preference will be given to Jackson County residents first, Harrison County residents second, and other residents of MS third. |
Gage Nelson Law Enforcement Scholarship | Recipient must be active or retired law enforcement officer (LEO), or the spouse or child of an active/retired LEO. Recipient may attend any campus. Recipient must have a high school or college GPA of 2.5 or higher and must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher during the course of the semester in order to be eligible to re-apply. This scholarship shall not exceed the cost of tuition, books, fees, and uniforms. Students may only receive a two-year maximum award. Student must meet with donor the semester following award. |
George A. Schloegel Work 4 College Program | Recipients must show financial need and must be able to work 12 hours a week during the fall and spring semesters and 19 hours per week during the summer semester. The labor performed during these semesters would substitute for a semester of tuition. |
George A. Schloegel Scholarship | Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient must be enrolled full-time. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Priority shall be given to students residing in Harrison, Jackson, and Stone Counties, after which other applicants are at the discretion of the MGCCC Foundation. |
George County Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of George County. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus. Recipient may enroll in any program (academic or career & technical). Recipient must be enrolled full-time. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Get Ready: George County Summer Bridge Scholarship | Recipient will be chosen by Dr. Jordan Sanderson in GCC Summer Bridge, based on the highest cumulative average. Recipient must be enrolled at MGCCC for the following fall semester. |
Grace Family Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus in a technology field. Recipient may receive the scholarship for two years if they maintain a 3.0 GPA. |
Grady M. and Willie Faye Ivey Parker Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus or the George County Center. Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient must be a resident of Stone County or George County. Recipient must be a graduate of a high school in Stone or George County or have completed GED in those counties. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship. |
Greg Moradmand Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus. Recipient must exhibit financial need and demonstrate initiative and commitment. |
Grover F. and Harriet Freeman Bostwick Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus. Recipient must exhibit a financial need |
Gulf Coast Stem Scholarship | Recipient must be a student from Harrison County attending and residing on the Perkinston Campus. Recipient must be enrolled in a STEM major. Finalists will be invited to an on-Campus interview. Must be full-time. Must have a 3.0+ GPA. This scholarship may be awarded in addition to institutional scholarships. |
Gulfport Medical Auxiliary Scholarship | Recipient must exhibit financial need. Recipient must have an area of interest in nursing or other health occupations. Recipient must attend the Harrison County Campus. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Harold F. & Louise Holloway Scholarship | Recipient must be eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Recipient must be a graduate of an "in-district" high school with a "C" or better GPA. Recipient must maintain college academic standards of progress. Recipient must be enrolled in 12 semester hours. This scholarship should not exceed the total cost of all tuition, books, and fees. |
Harrell and Tillie Mallett Family Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. The selection is based on need or other reasons apparent at the time of award. |
Harrison County Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Harrison County Campus. Recipient may be enrolled in any program. This scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, fees, and uniforms. |
Helen and Jed Davis Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a Vancleave High School graduate. |
Hollis-Melton /McDuffie - Jason Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a student in teacher education or the science and health occupations course of study to include career and tech fields. Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus, recipient may be a non-traditional student with first consideration given to working parents and those who, without the assistance of this scholarship, might not otherwise be able to attend college. Special consideration should be given to those students who are first generation college students. Recipient must maintain a 1.5 GPA realizing that one can redeem and maintain his/her education in spite of poor academic success in class. |
Horace A. and Jimmie Bradley Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a George County resident, attending Perkinston Campus or George County Center. |
Horace A. and Jimmie Bradley Memorial Scholarship | Must be graduating from MGCCC majoring in the Engineering field and transferring to Mississippi State University. Selection to be made by a committee including a science or math instructor from each campus. |
Ina Thompson Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident, attending the Jackson County Campus. |
Iris P. Vierling Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a Nursing student. |
J. Terry Bubba Bechtol Scholarship | Recipient must be a student in the speech or communications program attending the Perkinston Campus. Recipient must submit a letter to the donor showing a financial need. |
James D. Batson Scholarship | Recipients will be selected based on need and may attend any MGCCC campus. Descendants shall be given first consideration. |
Jean McCool Scholarship | Recipient must be displaced homemaker with financial need. |
Jere Hess Family Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus. Direct descendants shall be given first consideration; if no descendent applies, then recipient should be a trust worthy student exhibiting need for financial assistance. Recipient cannot be receiving Pell Grants. |
Jerry F. and Mary Bowden Bates Scholarship | Two recipients will be chosen. The first recipient must be a Pass Christian High School graduate and the second recipient must be a Gulfport High School graduate. Recipients must attend either the Perkinston Campus or Harrison County Campus. Recipients must be in the top 10% of his/her graduating high school class. Recipients are not eligible if receiving a Pell Grant. |
Jessie and Jeanette Harrison Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must not be receiving any other scholarship awards and must have a job and the highest GPA from either high school or college among the applicants. Recipient must be a member of one of the following churches: First Baptist Church (Wiggins), Vardaman Street Church (Wiggins), Bethel Baptist Church (Wiggins), First Baptist Church (Gulfport), Ten Mile Baptist Church (Wiggins). If no one meets these requirements then the recipient may be someone who has received other scholarships and is a member of a listed church. If no one still qualifies or applies, then someone who graduated from Stone High School or whose parents graduated from Stone High School; not receiving any other scholarships |
John C. McQuagge Memorial Athletic Trainers Scholarship | Recipient must be majoring in some type of Athletic Training and residing in the four county district. There is no age requirement for the recipient, but must be an entering Freshman. The family will make selection. |
John Dees Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Stone County. |
John E. Maxwell Scholarship | General scholarship. Recipient may attend any MGCCC campus. |
John S. Cambre Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus. Recipient must have a 2.5 GPA. Recipient must be in a program of study of Environmental Health, Environmental Science in Agricultural Systems, Environmental Sciences, or Geoscience. Recipient will be selected based on financial need. |
Johnson Brothers Jewelry Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident, attend Jackson County Campus or Perkinston Campus, must exhibit financial need and maintain "C" average. |
Jon and Kathryn Lewis Theatre Scholarship | Recipient must be a returning Sophomore on the Perkinston Campus, based on theater activities participation. |
Jowan N. and Ruby R. Dedeaux Scholarship | Recipient must be both a resident of Stone County and graduate from a Stone County school with an "B" average; demonstrate high moral character, citizenship, and show initiative and leadership. Dependents of MGCCC employees are not eligible for this scholarship. |
Kai Thrash Memorial Scholarship | Must attend the Perkinston Campus and be an incoming freshman from a high school in the MGCCC district. Must have played high school soccer or tennis and have a recommendation from the high school coach. |
Katie Lynn RN Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be enrolled in an MGCCC Health Sciences Program. Must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Must be a resident of Jackson, George, Harrison, or Stone County. |
Kay Gunn (Perk '64) and Robert Dunleavy Scholarship | Recipient must be a full-time student residing on the Perkinston Campus and a member of the Honors College. Recipients may be first-time entering freshmen or returning sophomore. Recipients that are freshman may reapply for their sophomore year. Residents of Jackson County to be given priority. If a recipient loses Honors College enrollment remaining monies may be awarded to another student at the discretion of the Honors Chair. |
Keith Hunter Memorial Fund | To provide financial support to a student who is in the Pascagoula School District and is in the College and Career Technical Institute Program. |
Krystal Bolden, Yolanda Pope, and Nerfretti Bradshaw Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a business management major attending the Perkinston Campus and maintaining at least a 2.5 GPA. |
Kyle McMellon Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a full time student pursing a degree in Process Operations Technology. Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus maintaining a 2.5 GPA. |
L. M. Hudson Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus exhibiting need or other reasons apparent at the time of grant. |
L.D. and Virginia David Stringfellow Scholarship | Recipient must be both a Stone County resident and a graduate of Stone High School maintaining a "C" average. Recipient should demonstrate good citizenship qualities and involved in community activities. Preference given to family members. |
Lee Roy and Anna M. Weeks Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus and show need or other reasons apparent at the time of grant. |
Linda and Jim Epting Student Athletics Trainers Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus with preference given to Jackson County residents. Recipient must be a good student with the ambition to graduate and be serious about the studies being pursued. Recipient is chosen by the Athletic Trainer. |
Liz Corso Joachim CTE Scholarship | Recipient must be enrolled in a career technical program on any campus. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA for the fall semester to receive the award in the spring semester, scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, fees and uniforms |
Liz Corso Joachim Culinary Arts Scholarship | Recipient must be a student in the Culinary Arts Program maintaining a 2.5 GPA. |
Liz Corso Joachim Nursing Scholarship | Recipient must be a full time student majoring in nursing and maintaining a 2.5 GPA. It is the desire of the donor that the recipient finish their career at William Carey University and apply for a position at Biloxi Regional Hospital upon completion of their degree. |
Liz Corso Joachim Student Success Scholarship | Recipient will be selected by a MGCCC Scholarship committee, must demonstrate a financial need and maintain a 2.5 GPA for the fall semester to receive the award in the Spring, scholarship will not exceed the total cost of tuition, books, fees and uniforms |
Louise McNeil Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a student in the LPN program, maintaining a 2.5 GPA, attending the Harrison County Campus or the Jackson County Campus. Recipient must not be eligible for other forms of financial aid and without the assistance of this scholarship, might not otherwise be able to attend college. |
Marilyn Jones Marlowe/Sally McKay Dillon Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a fine arts major attending the Perkinston Campus. |
Mary Agnes Gautier Scholarship | Recipient must be a nursing student, with high academic achievement, based on need attending the Jackson County Campus. |
McHenry Family Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus and not receiving any academic scholarship for a Pell Grant. |
Melissa Roberts Lee Memorial Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus, must be a sophomore student majoring in Elementary Education with a 3.0 GPA. |
Michael W. Stewart Memorial Scholarship | The scholarship recipient must be a MGCCC cheerleader. The scholarship recipient should have a high degree of school spirit. This scholarship must be awarded to a different cheerleader each year. Applicants must submit a one-page essay with their foundation scholarship application answering the question, "Why do you want to be a cheerleader at Perk?" |
Moffett Family Memorial Fund | Recipient shall be a graduate of a high school in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College district and a resident of Harrison, Stone, Jackson, or George County (George County Preferred) attending any MGCCC campus. Recipient must have maintained a "B" average during high school, demonstrated high moral character, citizenship, and shown initiative and leadership. Dependents of MGCCC employees are not eligible for this scholarship. |
MS Gulf Coast Society of Radiologic Technologists | Must be a 2nd year sophomore in the Radiologic Technology Program. Must be awarded based on 50% need and 50% merit. This money shall be applied to tuition and/or fees with the recipients being able to receive the balance for any other needs there may be. |
Myrtle Corrine Williams Scholarship | Recipient must be high school age, exhibit financial need and be enrolled in a technical, business or special training program at any campus. |
Nolena Stephens Scholarship | Recipient must be a Secondary Education major attending the Harrison County Campus. |
Palmus V. and Frances B. Bond Scholarship | Recipient must be both a resident of Stone County and graduate from a Stone County school w+C17ith a "B" average; demonstrate high moral character, citizenship, and show initiative and leadership. Dependents of MGCCC employees are not eligible for this scholarship. |
Patricia Crawford Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend Perkinston Campus and exhibit a financial need. |
Patricia Tuley Scholarship | Recipient will be selected by a committee consisting of the Perkinston Campus Piano instructor, and two other faculty members of the Perkinston Campus appointed by the Perkinston Campus Piano instructor. Recipient will be selected based on need or other reasons apparent at the time of grant and recipient must be approved by the donor before scholarship is awarded. Recipient must demonstrate proficient piano skills through audition. Recipient must be a high school graduate or equivalent, but there is no age limit. Recipient must be full-time and must maintain a minimum of 2.0 GPA. Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus of MGCCC and must maintain continuous enrollment in Piano while receiving the scholarship. The amount of the scholarship will be up to $500 per semester and at no time will it exceed the total cost of tuition, books, and fees. |
Patsy Saucier Hayes Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus with preference to Perkinston Campus. Preference given to American Indian or French descent with financial need and wish to study nursing or medicine. Must be upper fourth of their high school grad class. |
Paul W. Brown Non-Traditional Student Scholarship | Recipient will be selected by a committee of the Foundation and or the MGCCC Scholarship Committee. Recipient must be a non-traditional student. Recipient must be pursuing a Career Program such as HVAC, Automotive, Electrical, and other similar hands-on majors. Recipient may attend any MGCCC Campus or Center. |
Paul D. Mellinger and Charles V. Bugg Memorial Scholarship | General scholarship. Recipient may attend any MGCCC campus. |
Prentiss C. Haven Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus, be committed to academic excellence, exhibit initiative, involved in school/community activities with high morals and citizenship. |
Quincy Long Scholarship | Recipient must be a student at the Harrison County Campus planning to continue his/her major degree in the science field. A non-traditional student is preferred. |
Ralph Smith Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be pursuing a degree in Mathematics or Engineering or, if not either, a child of an educator. Recipient must be a full-time student attending the Jackson County Campus and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Preference to students with little or no other aid. |
Randle and Zettie Dedeaux Scholarship | Recipient must be both a resident of Stone County and graduate from a Stone County school with an "B" average; demonstrate high moral character, citizenship, and show initiative and leadership. Dependents of MGCCC employees are not eligible for this scholarship. |
Reggie & Enid Richards Scholarship | Recipient must be a MS resident and may attend any MGCCC campus. |
Richard G. O'Barr Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Harrison County, attending the Perkinston Campus. |
Robert and Frances J. Craven Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus and must maintain a 2.5 GPA. |
Rodney L. Mansfield Scholarship | Recipient must be a student pursuing a degree in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, or Engineering. Preference will be given to family members, must be a full-time student and maintain a 3.0 GPA, attending the Perkinston Campus. |
Rosemary and Margaret Finley Scholarship | Recipient must be a Harrison County graduate, must have worked a total of nine months during the four years he/she pursued his/her high school education and may attend any campus. |
Sam Owen Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend Perkinston Campus. Relatives of Sam Owen are given first priority. |
Sam P. Jones Memorial Scholarship | The recipient must be majoring in instrumental music and participating in the band program. The award is based on merit. Recipient must be a Sophomore maintaining a "C" average. The recipient will be chosen by a special committee. |
Save Waveland Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Waveland and attending any MGCCC campus. Preference will be given to students majoring in Math and Computer Science. |
Shannon Slyfield Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident attending the Perkinston Campus. |
Shelly Whittington Cochran Memorial Nursing Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of George County high school. Recipient must be a nursing student. Recipient must maintain a 2.5GPA. Recipient will be chosen based on financial need. Candidate must submit an essay of why he/she wants to be a nurse. Donor will choose the student based on the essay. |
Shirley Reeves Sanders Memorial Scholarship | 1 - Band of Gold Member; 1- Perkette; 1- MGCCC Cheerleader. Applicant can be either incoming freshman or sophomore. Must have a GPA of 2.5. The candidate must write a minimum of a one page essay on the following topic: "Why is this scholarship important to you?" The essay must be submitted by July 12 to- srsmscholarship@gmail.com |
Skyler Flowers Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Recipient must be a hard worker and show a commitment to excellence. Scholarship will be awarded by a special committee |
Society Advocating for Latin Student Advancement (SALSA) | Recipient must be an entering freshman (traditional or non-traditional). Recipient must be a resident of Jackson County attending the Jackson County Campus. Must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA. In lieu of a personal statement, candidates must write a one-page essay on: How has your past experiences shaped you, and how has this impacted you to utilize your education or career? |
St. John Nursing Scholarship | Recipient will be selected by a MGCCC Scholarship Committee and must be a nursing student. Awards can be need and/or academically based. |
Stapp Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a resident of Stone county attending a high school in Stone county. Must have maintained a "B" average in high school; must have high morals, citizenship, initiative, leadership and attending the Perkinston Campus. |
Steve Memorial Bremenkamp Scholarship | General scholarship. |
Thelma Andrews Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus, be African American, and maintain a 2.0 GPA. |
Thomas James Forester Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus and exhibit financial need. |
Thomas Ramsay Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be taking core courses leading to general farm, forestry, or animal husbandry at 4 year college. |
Tommy and Zelma Gollott Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of MS National Guard Youth Challenge program at Camp Shelby. First priority is given to a resident of Biloxi, MS with next priority being that he/she reside in Harrison County. Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus. |
Tony and Bob Weathers Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus based on need and recipient is selected by the donor. |
Vertis Ramsay Scholarship | Recipient must be both a resident of Jackson County and a graduate of Vancleave High School attending the Perkinston Campus. Must have maintained a "C" average in high school and demonstrated high moral character and citizenship. |
Vocational Instructors - Jackson County Campus | Recipient must be Career/Tech student attending the Jackson County Campus. Recipient shall be selected by a committee appointed by the Jackson County Campus Dean of Vocational Education. |
Warner Peterson Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident attending any campus majoring in Business maintaining a 2.75 GPA. |
Wentz Batson Scholarship | Recipient must be a horticulture student on the Perkinston Campus. The scholarship can be awarded for a second year if recipient maintains 2.0 GPA |
William and Etta V. Frantzen Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Perkinston Campus and have a 2.0 GPA. |
William D. & Nell Newman Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a worthy and deserving student residing in Harrison County attending the Harrison County Campus. |
William G. Memorial Collins Scholarship | Recipient must be enrolled in Honors Scholar Program on the Harrison County Campus. |
Woodrow Blossman Memorial Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County resident attending the Jackson County Campus |
The Chevron Scholarship
The Chevron Scholarship is available exclusively to residents of Jackson, Harrison, Stone and George Counties, Mississippi, who are enrolled at MGCCC’s Jackson County Campus.

Awards are based on the below criteria:
The applicant must be majoring in one of the following programs at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College:
- Process Operations Technology
- Instrumentation and Controls Technology
- Precision Manufacturing and Machining Technology
- Welding Technology
- Automation and Controls Technology
- Any of the three MSU Engineering on the Coast
programs (Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial)
The minimum application criterion is a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and student must be enrolled in and complete 15 credit hours each semester.
Scholarship amounts will be $1000 per award. Students can receive a $500 renewal scholarship if they sustain a 3.0 or higher GPA.
*The number of scholarships will be determined each semester.
We are Memorial Scholarship 2024
The We Are Memorial Scholarship 2024Apply Now
The alliance between Memorial Hospital and MGCCC is designed to offer scholarship funding that will provide opportunities for students to enter the healthcare field and support the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community.
Memorial Health System is offering scholarship funding that will provide opportunities for students to enter the healthcare field and support the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community.
Applications will be submitted to a scholarship review committee comprised of dedicated program leaders at Memorial Health System.
The number of scholarships will be determined each semester.
Recipients must be a student entering their last semester in one of the following programs
- Associate Degree in Nursing
- Practical Nursing
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care Technology
- Surgical Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology
We are Memorial Scholarship Criteria
- Scholarship recipients will be required to make a commitment of up to 2 years to Memorial Health System.
- Cumulative GPA > 2.5
- Recipients can receive other scholarships/tuition assistance awarded by their school or other entity.
- Students should submit their applications at the start of the academic year in which they intend to graduate.
Application Materials
- 500 – 1,000 word essay: Why did you choose your field of study and Why do you want to work at Memorial Health System?
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from instructors or preceptors
- Unofficial transcript that includes name, student ID#, cumulative GPA, and program of study
- Resume
Breakdown of Scholarship Amounts by Program
- ADN: $5,000
- RCT: $4,000
- LPN: $3,800
- RGT: $3,500
- SUT: $3,000
- MLT: $3,000
Mississippi Power Foundation Heritage Scholarship
Mississippi Power Foundation Heritage ScholarshipApply Now
Recipient must be a minority; this scholarship is open to high school seniors, non-traditional students, and currently enrolled MGCCC students. Recipient must be enrolled in one of the following programs: Apprentice Electric Linemen, Electrical Technology, Automotive Technology, Instrumentation and Controls Technology, Millwright/Outside Machinist Technology or Process Operations Technology. Recipient must be a resident within our 23 county service area or Kemper County and a U.S. Citizen. Graduating seniors must have a 2.5 GPA.
Additional Industry & Community Partners Scholarships
Industry & Community Partners ScholarshipsApply Now
Many of MGCCC’s industry and community partners fund scholarships for Gulf Coast students. Qualification criteria, scholarship requirements, and award selection are contingent on direction received by these donors.
Scholarship | Restrictions |
AEOP Scholarship | Recipient must be a Business related major, with 3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, initiative and commitment. May attend any campus |
AT&T Scholarship | General Scholarship |
BP Career Tech Scholarships | Recipient must be majoring in Career Technical Programs / Hospitality and Resort Management at the Harrison County Campus. Minorities and under-represented groups given a priority. |
BP STEM Scholarship | Recipient must be majoring in STEM areas (science, math, etc.). Minorities and under-represented groups given a priority. |
Coast Coca-Cola Scholarship | Recipient must be a graduate of a high school in Harrison County maintaining a 2.5 GPA. Recipient must attend the Harrison County Campus and demonstrate financial need. |
George County Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus and enroll in any program academic or career/technical. Recipient must be a full time student and a resident of George County. |
Gulf South Junior Golf Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus. Preference given to someone majoring in business or the golf industry. |
Gulfport Medical Auxiliary Scholarship | Recipient must be enrolled in nursing or related health occupation at the Harrison County Campus, maintain 2.5 GPA, based on need or other reasons apparent a the time of grant |
Harrison County Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Harrison County Campus. |
Mississippi Power Foundation Heritage Scholarship | Recipient must be a minority; this scholarship is open to high school seniors, non-traditional students, and currently enrolled MGCCC students. Recipient must be enrolled in one of the following programs: Apprentice Electric Linemen, Electrical Technology, Automotive Technology, Instrumentation and Controls Technology, Millwright/Outside Machinist Technology or Process Operations Technology. Recipient must be a resident within our 23 county service area or Kemper County and a U.S. Citizen. Graduating seniors must have a 2.5 GPA. |
Morrison's Scholarship | Recipient must be a Perkinston Campus student. |
MS Chemical Corporation Scholarship | Recipient must attend the Jackson County Campus with first priority given to MS Chemical employees or dependents. |
National Board for Respiratory Care Technology | Recipient must be a full-time student in a Respiratory Care/Respiratory Therapy related major. Must maintain a 2.0 GPA. |
MS Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Scholarship | Recipient must be an associate degree nursing student enrolled in the program. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA |
O'Neal-Bond Engineering Scholarship | Recipient shall be a graduate of Stone High School and maintained a "B" average while in high school. Recipient may attend any campus and state an interest in an Engineering major. |
Perkinston Campus Vocal Scholarship | Recipient must be attending the Perkinston Campus and enrolled in vocal music. Awarded by special committee |
Purity Rebekah Lodge #42 Scholarship | Recipient may attend any campus based on need or other reasons apparent at the time of grant. |
Rescue 100 Scholarship (Any Campus) | Recipient may attend any MGCCC campus or center, Recipient must meet one of the following: currently in child welfare foster care, has been in child welfare foster care, are a former foster youth who was adopted or entered into a guardianship, or a student planning a career in child welfare or social work. Candidates must write a one page essay on: How has your foster care journey and past experiences shaped you, and how has this impacted you to utilize your education or career? |
Rescue 100 Scholarship (Jackson County Resident;Any Campus) | Recipient must be a resident of Jackson County and may attend any MGCCC campus or center, Recipient must meet one of the following: currently in child welfare foster care, has been in child welfare foster care, are a former foster youth who was adopted or entered into a guardianship, or a student planning a career in child welfare or social work. Candidates must write a one page essay on: How has your foster care journey and past experiences shaped you, and how has this impacted you to utilize your education or career? |
Welding and Cutting Technology Scholarship | Recipient must be a Jackson County Campus student. Recipient must be enrolled in the Welding program. Recipient must be entering the Pipe Welding and Advanced Pipe Welding (3rd Semester) |
Mississippi Power Foundation Heritage ScholarshipApply Now
Recipient must be a minority; this scholarship is open to high school seniors, non-traditional students, and currently enrolled MGCCC students. Recipient must be enrolled in one of the following programs: Apprentice Electric Linemen, Electrical Technology, Automotive Technology, Instrumentation and Controls Technology, Millwright/Outside Machinist Technology or Process Operations Technology. Recipient must be a resident within our 23 county service area or Kemper County and a U.S. Citizen. Graduating seniors must have a 2.5 GPA.
Frequently Asked Questions
New and continuing MGCCC students taking credit classes are eligible to apply.
- Visit our website and browse Foundation Scholarships.
- Complete the online Foundation Scholarship application.
- Attach a typed personal statement to your scholarship application.
- Include at least one recommendation letter with your scholarship application.
- Be sure that your most recent high school transcript or equivalency test score is on file at MGCCC Enrollment Services.
- We highly encourage you to apply for both FAFSA and State Aid since some of our scholarships require you to apply.
You will be required to provide:
- Student ID Number (M#)
- MGCCC Email Address
- Personal Statement (500 words; type in the box or upload a Word document)
- Name of parent or guardian who is an employee of MGCCC
- Name and relationship of any relatives who are donors of an MGCCC Foundation or Alumni Association scholarship
- Indicate if you are a veteran, spouse or dependent of a veteran
You may choose to provide:
- List of clubs, activities, and/or honors
- Additional Letters of Recommendation (electronic format for uploading)
- Resume (electronic format for uploading)
- Other documents (electronic format for uploading)
Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell us about yourself, your aspirations, and your dedication to your academic and personal growth. Share your story, your goals, and what inspires you to excel in your studies. We want to get to know you through your personal statement.
A recommendation letter is a valuable addition to your scholarship application. Your recommendation letter should be written by someone who knows you well academically or personally and can attest to your character, abilities, and potential for success. Make sure to request this letter well in advance to meet the Foundation Scholarship application deadline. One letter of recommendation is required, but two or three recommendation letters are preferred.
Our donors provide specifications for scholarships they initiate and fund. You will be considered for specific scholarships based on your application, student status, and other scholarship requirements. The MGCCC Foundation does not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religious creed, or sexual orientation.
Some of our foundation scholarships do require federal and state aid applications, so we highly encourage both.
The Foundation Scholarship application process is open year round. However, priority deadline to apply for the Fall of next year is April 1!
No. Please be sure and have all information ready before starting the application. Make all necessary changes before submitting.
If you can not complete the application in one session, click the Save and Continue Later link at the bottom of the page at any point in the process. You’ll be provided a unique link to reopen the application and pick up where you left off.
After submitting your application, you will automatically receive an email with all of your application responses.
Recipients will be notified by letter or email in April for fall term awards and generally by late November for spring term awards.
Scholarship Selection Process
Foundation Scholarships are awarded by the district-wide scholarship committee, the foundation committee, or in some cases, special committees as per the donor specifications. However, please note that specific scholarship requirements may be set by our generous donors. These donor-specific criteria could include academic achievement, field of study, extracurricular involvement, or other special qualifications. We encourage you to explore the various scholarships available and ensure you meet their unique requirements.
Contact the MGCCC Financial Aid Office at your respective campus.
Paige Cannon
Scholarships & Programs Specialist
(601) 528-8446
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes students and employees without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age or qualified disability in its programs and activities. For further information, contact the Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 609, Perkinston, Mississippi 39573, telephone number 601-528-8735, email address compliance@mgccc.edu.