Excelerate 2030

Positioned for a decade of advancing student success and instructional excellence, MGCCC continues to provide educational opportunities in George, Harrison, Jackson and Stone counties, an area in coastal Mississippi with a population of more than 367,000. Having continued the mission established in 1912, the college has stayed true to its mission of student learning and success for 100 years – an institution rooted in timeless values and worthy of enduring for generations past and those to come.

Excelerate 2030: The Strategic Plan for Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College represents a shared vision among the stakeholders of MGCCC and provides the overarching blueprint for strategic planning at the institution. The plan was developed and vetted through various internal and external stakeholders, including students, employees, community partners, and the board of trustees. All planning activity at the college is directly tied to the mission of the institution and outlined 2030 core commitments in the plan.


Mission Statement

  • The mission of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is to meet the educational and community needs in George, Harrison, Jackson, and Stone counties by providing superior instruction through traditional and technological formats to offer workforce pathways, certificates, diplomas, and associate transfer and applied degrees. The college embraces lifelong learning, productive citizenship, service learning, and leadership development in a dynamic and innovative learning environment.

Institutional Commitments


  • Teaching and Learning: The processes of engagement and communication between teacher and learner around a robust curriculum and strong support system that result in the acquisition of skills and an increase in knowledge.
  • Student Experience: Cultivating an environment that prepares students to achieve their goals and become productive members of society.
  • Engagement & Partnerships: An intentional focus on understanding and responding to the current and emerging needs of internal constituents, external partners, and the Gulf Coast region.
  • Institutional Excellence: Focus on institutional operations and efficiencies, infrastructure, resources, and technologies that support and facilitate the advancement of the College’s commitments, constituents, and community.

Overview of the Planning Timeline

1. Institutional Plan for Upcoming Year – Annual Review of Excelerate 2030 (Institutional Profile Report) – The President’s Office initiates the planning process by coordinating a Leadership Retreat with the college leadership team and all members of the Executive Council during each summer.  In support of the Leadership Retreat, the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness publishes the Excelerate 2030 Institutional Profile Report.  This real-time report pulls in data from a variety of data sources and provides a comprehensive view at how well the institution is performing along the Excelerate 2030 metrics.  The Planning Council and Executive Council evaluate the progress of the plan, and during the Leadership Retreat, the President and college leadership team realign institutional focus based on the evaluation of the outcomes.

2. Divisional Plans for Upcoming Year – Stemming from the realigned institutional plan, all educational, administrative, and academic divisions define plans for the current year in the planning system.  In order to create the plan for the current year, all divisions must be closed out of the prior year planning documents by no later than July 15th.  All divisions incorporate what they learned in the prior year planning cycle and use that knowledge to drive continual improvement in the current year.

3. Departmental (Unit) Plans for Upcoming Year – Following the formulation of division plans, all educational, administrative, and academic support units meet via one of five college planning workshops to set up their planning document for the year: Academic Programs, Career & Technical Education Programs, Health Sciences Programs, Administrative Support Services, and Enrollment Management and Student Success.  In order to create the plan for the current year, all planning units must be closed out of the prior year documents.  All units incorporate what they learned in the prior year planning cycle and use that knowledge to drive continual improvement in the current year.  In addition, the unit plans should coincide with division plans.

4. Functional Councils Fall Meetings – All the functioning councils of the institution meet during the Fall term to provide updates and review and vote on new business items related to the council.  For instance, the Instructional Affairs Council (IAC) reviews and approves recommendations for each educational program to improve effectiveness and efficiency. MGCCC’s functioning councils include Instructional Affairs Council, Student Services Council, Finance Council, Technology Council, Learning Resources Council, and Executive Council.

5. General Education Committee – The General Education Committee in the Fall term evaluates the results associated with General Education assessments (ETS Proficiency Profile, General Education Student Learning Outcomes, Graduate Survey, and Employer Survey) from the prior year and reviews the general education rubrics and core.

6. Planning Council Review of Strategic Plan – The Planning Council meets to reaffirm the mission and vision of Excelerate 2030 and evaluate the results of the Excelerate 2030 Institutional Profile Report.  The council reviews and approves items that impact the college-wide planning process and approve all changes in the Planning Manual.

7. Annual Program Review – The college’s CTE and Health Sciences programs undergo an annual program review to more closely examine budget needs and other indicators critical to the continued success of each program.

8. Functional Councils Spring Meeting – The work of the councils continues through the spring term.  MGCCC’s functioning councils include Instructional Affairs Council, Student Services Council, Finance Council, Technology Council, Learning Resources Council, and Executive Council.

9. Budget Planning Begins – The President and Executive Council review progress toward the facilities master plan, examine anticipated personnel needs, and consider the annual textbook requests submissions.

10. Department-Level Budget Needs – All educational, administrative, and academic support units identify and submit estimated budget needs and priorities for the upcoming fiscal year via the online planning system.  Each Vice President prioritizes these requests and submits the budget needs to the President for both Capital funds and Education and General (E&G) funds (attached examples are from one campus).

11. Innovator’s Awards – These selected awards provide financial support for all employees to submit forward-thinking ideas that will positively impact and support the mission and Strategic Plan 2020.  This opportunity is designed to recognize and support employees’ cutting-edge programs and projects, which promote a dynamic and innovated learning environment. MGCCC’s QEP was initially submitted by students as part of the Innovator’s Awards.

12. Departmental and Divisional Evaluations – At the end of the planning cycle, the operational units enter results into the planning system and provide an analysis of data, including “use of results and plan for improvement next year.” The identified strategies for “improvement” can be used to tweak the budgetary needs requests, and the “improvements” are implemented to drive optimization, effectiveness, and efficiency for the next year.

13. Division-Level Budget Requests and Allocation – The Executive Council members review all new budgetary requests at the end of the fiscal year, both Capital funds and E&G funds. There is a strong linkage between the annual IE planning process and the budgetary process. In order for units to be considered for new budget item(s), the requests must be linked to an effectiveness indicator in the planning system and tied to the mission and Excelerate 2030. The Executive Council Members review all budgetary requests for their respective division and offer recommendations to the President for which items to support.

14. Annual Budget Approved by College Board of Trustees – During June of each year, the President brings a recommended Capital budget and E&G budget to the Board of Trustees.  As a precursor to the official vote from the Board of Trustees, there is a Special Meeting for the Board Building Committee (a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees) to review the Capital budget, and there is a Special Meeting for the entire board to review the proposed E&G budget.

Excelerate 2030 Institutional Profile Report

Performance of the Excelerate 2030 key performance metrics is evaluated annually using a variety of data sources compiled into the Excelerate 2030 Institutional Profile Report with the goal of driving year-to-year progressive improvement.  This report is designed to display the outcomes associated with the institutional strategic plan. 


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