Student strolls leisurely through sunlit campus.


Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will implement essential skills training for MGCCC Career students through three essential skills identified during the QEP topic selection process, which align with the college mission and Strategic Plan 2020. The skills are attendance/punctuality, speaking, and listening. The QEP topic originated from the student body, in which they stated a desire to be more adequately prepared for the workplace. After receiving feedback from stakeholders, the college determined that essential skills training should focus on the Career programs where students are moving through their programs in cohorts and entering the workforce immediately after graduation.

The QEP assessment plan based upon the three QEP Commitments and the three SLOs.

Assessment will include measures of student success tracked over time, curricular student learning outcomes measured within designated courses, and formative measures throughout the implementation of the QEP. Assessment will also include the effectiveness of the plan itself. The desired outcome is that the students will learn and be able to apply the three essential skills when they leave MGCCC and enter the next phase of their lives.

Direct Assessment (QEP Commitment #1 – Measuring Three Essential Skills)

Student learning outcomes describe what students will know or be able to demonstrate upon completing the course. The aim of the QEP Essential Skills Program is to provide training and development that promotes embracing the three essential skills to Career students: Attendance & Punctuality, Listening, and Speaking.

QEP #1 SLO 1 SLO 2 SLO 3

The Public Speaking Faculty member is responsible for assessing the student learning outcomes via the standardized QEP rubric during the term and submitting the data within five business days following the term end date. One report should be submitted per class. 

Indirect Assessment

Indirect assessment allows stakeholders of the institution to better understand and evaluate the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of target populations. The following groups of individuals will be asked to provide their honest feedback and evaluate aspects of QEP Essential Skills Program throughout implementation: career students, employees and employers. The institution will review the quantitative and qualitative feedback on an annual basis and make adjustments in an effort to promote the optimization of student learning and continually improve upon the model from year-to-year.

Institutional Annual Review

The institution will formally document the program effectiveness indicators, expected outcomes, results, and provide a detailed analysis of how we can use the results to drive continuous improvements through the online planning system. The QEP Embracing Essential Skills Program is deployed over four terms. The QEP Assessment Subcommittee will be charged with facilitating the data collection process and entering in the results within the online planning system. The QEP Implementation Committee will review the results on an annual basis to assess progress and make the determination where modifications can be made to promote continual program improvement. To view a copy of the QEP Planning Template click here.

QEP #3 Institutional Annual Review

Access the QEP Embracing Essential Skills Planning Document

Login to the Online Strategic Planning System using employee SSO credentials (M# and password)

* MGCCC network connection or VPN required


Dr. Carla Stout
QEP Director

Dr. Brad Bailey
QEP Co-chair

Dr. Jonathan Woodward
QEP Chair

Dr. Suzana Brown
QEP Co-chair

Dr. Jordan Sanderson
QEP Co-chair