Gulf Coast Automotive Technology

Become a Qualified Auto Mechanic with Hands-On Training

About the Program

Automotive Technology is an instructional program that prepares individuals to engage in the servicing and maintenance of all types of automobiles.

What Students Learn

Instruction includes the diagnosis of malfunctions of all eight areas of ASE/NATEF certification:

  • Engine Repair
  • Electrical and Electronic Systems
  • Engine Performance
  • Brakes
  • Steering and Suspension Systems
  • Manual Drivetrains and Axles
  • Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
  • Heating and Air Conditioning

Degree Options and Requirements

Graduates will earn a work-ready student certification through the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

This program leads to an Associate of Applied Science Degree and is preparatory for employment upon graduation from MGCCC. Where a transfer to four-year college or university is desired, a conference should be scheduled with a MGCCC advisor.

All students completing a career or technical program must complete a MGCCC Board-approved Technical Skills Attainment where applicable. Students should see an advisor for further details.

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Automotive Technology Coursework

For class times, visit the MGCCC class schedules.

Automotive Certificate

Semester One

Course Credit(s)
LLS 1721 - Employment Readiness 1
ATT 1811 - Introduction, Safety, and Employability Skills 1
ATT 1714 - Engine Repair 4
ATT 1123 - Basic Electrical/Electronic 3
ATT 1423 - Engine Performance I 3
ATT 1213 - Brakes 3

Semester Two

Course Credit(s)
ATT 1134 - Advanced Electrical/Electronic 4
ATT 1313 - Manual Drive Trains/Transaxles 3
ATT 2333 - Steering and Suspension Systems 3
ATT 2433 - Engine Performance II 3
ATT 2922 - Supervised Work Experience in Automotive Technology 2

Total Credits: 30

Automotive Technology Diploma

Semester Three

Course Credit(s)
ATT 2443 - Engine Performance III 3
ATT 2323 - Automatic Transmissions/Transaxles 3
ATT 2921 - Supervised Work Experience 1
ATT 2614 - Heating and Air Conditioning 4
ATT 2714 - Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Systems 4

Total Credits: 15

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Semester Four

Course Credit(s)
ENG 1113 / 1114 English Composition I or ENG 1033 Technical English 3/4
SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I or LLS 1721 - Employment Readiness and SPT 2172 - Interpersonal Communication 3
Math/Natural Science Elective 3/4*
Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3

Total Credits: 15/17


Please refer to “The Credit by Non-Traditional Means” regarding stipulations for receiving articulated credit.

* MAT 1033, MAT 1313 or higher or any laboratory science.


Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Select “More +” for specific department contact information.

Answer Center Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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