EMS to RN Students

Program Description

Paramedics are advanced-level providers of emergency care who are trained to care for patients in the field and while transporting patients to the hospital. They manage many emergencies including cardiac, respiratory, and trauma events. Paramedics conduct more extensive patient care than EMTs. They are licensed to administer medication, perform and interpret electrocardiograms (EKGs), perform endotracheal intubations, and use other complex biomedical equipment.

This program is designed to prepare qualified* Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) to become professional healthcare providers at the Paramedic level. Paramedic students successfully completing the program are eligible to write the National Registry Examination for Paramedic.

The curriculum meets the requirements of local, state, and national accrediting agencies. The program is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS professions (CoAEMSP) 8301 Lakeview Pkwy, Suite 111-312 Rowlett, Texas 75088.

Review NC-SARA: Accepted College Licensure or Certifications by Educational Program & State to learn what states outside of Mississippi accept this program licensure.
Program Outcomes

*for those students who are interested in the Paramedic program but are not yet qualified at the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) level, please contact your campus counselors or the Paramedic Program Director for advisement on how to qualify and enroll in the EMT course; EMS 1117.




Course Credit(s)
BIO 2514 - Anatomy and Physiology I (LEC/LAB) 4

Fall Semester

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Certificate Option

Course Credit(s)
EMS 1222 - Prehospital Fundamental Concepts 2
EMS 1362 - Prehospital Respiratory Management 2
EMS 1384 - Prehospital Trauma Management 4
EMS 1262 - Prehospital Pharmacology 2
EMS 1231 - Prehospital Operation and Incident Management 1
EMS 1373 - Prehospital Medical Management 3
EMS 1533 - Prehospital Practicum I 3

Total Credits: 17

Advanced EMT Certificate Credit Hours: 21

Advanced EMT to Paramedic Bridge

Completion of an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) program of study, satisfactory pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) AEMT Exam and hold current license.

Course Credit(s)
(Experiential Learning) 14
EMS 1593 - Paramedic Bridge 3

AEMT to Paramedic Bridge Total Credits: 17

Spring Semester

Course Credit(s)
EMS 2764 - Prehospital Paramedic Cardiology Management 4
EMS 2784 - Prehospital Practicum II 4
EMS 1543 - Prehospital Paramedic Pharmacology 3
EMS 2773 - Prehospital Paramedic Medical Management 3
BIO 2524 - Anatomy and Physiology II (LEC/LAB) 4

Total Credits: 18

Summer Semester

Course Credit(s)
EMS 2863 - Prehospital Paramedic Maternal, Child, and Special Populations Management 3
EMS 1552 - Prehospital Paramedic Respiratory Management 2
EMS 2873 - Prehospital Practicum III 3
ENG 1113 - English Composition I 3

Total Credits: 11

Fall Semester

Course Credit(s)
EMS 2883 - Prehospital Paramedic Care Capstone 3
EMS 2893 - Prehospital Paramedic Practicum Capstone 3
SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I 3
Fine Arts/Humanities Elective 3
Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3

Total Credits: 15

Total Credits: 65

Total Clock Hours: 1,650


*It is recommended that the BIO 2524 be taken prior to entry to the program. If not, it is taken as a co-requisite taken before the third semester of the program and completed with a grade of 2.0 or better in order to be eligible to sit for the National Registry examination for Paramedic.