Concert Choir

This is a non-auditioned group, open to any and all students. Concert Choir sings a range of genres for traditional literature, gospel, and contemporary pieces. They meet Monday – Thursday.

Mississippi Sound

This is an auditioned SATB pop a cappella group, and each member is able to receive a half – full tuition scholarship. The expectations for the singer: have an ability to sight sing, be able to learn quickly, and be good stewards of the Gulf Coast Choral Programs. They must be in MS Sound AND Concert Choir. This group meets on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Mississippi Voices

This is an auditioned SSA pop a cappella group, and each member is able to receive up to a half tuition scholarship. Like MS Sound, the expectations for each singer are to have an ability to sight sing, be able to learn music quickly, and be good stewards of the Gulf Coast Choral Programs. These members must be in MS Voices AND Concert Choir. This group meets on Thursdays.

For more information, please reach out to A. Patrick Mann at

Sign up below.
Audition For Perk Choir


A. Patrick Mann
Music Instructor, Director of Choirs