Share your love for Cosmetology with other students

About the Program

This instructional program prepares individuals to teach others to care for hair, nails, and skin with emphasis on hygiene, sanitation, customer relations, and salon management. Satisfactory completion of the courses qualifies students for the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology instructor licensing examination.

Teacher Training Option

Program Requirements

It is recommended that students complete twelve semester hours of college level education as approved by the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology before enrolling in the Cosmetology Teacher Training Option. These hours must be completed before a student will be allowed to take the cosmetology instructor licensing examination. More information concerning these hours can be obtained from the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology.

The curriculum is designed for students who have at least two years active practical experience as a licensed cosmetologist and currently hold a valid Mississippi cosmetology license. The curriculum complies with the standards of the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology and the requirement for 1,000 contact hours for students.

Students are required to receive 12 hours of theory; 106 hours of skill preparation and clinic work; 218 hours concerning the professional teacher’s skills and preparation techniques; 106 hours concerning student motivation and learning skills; 429 hours of methods, management, and material procedures and techniques; 90 hours of testing and evaluation skills; and 25 hours of cosmetology laws, rules, and regulation.

Successful completion of the program entitles students to a cosmetology Teacher Training diploma and, upon meeting the requirements of the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology, qualifies them for licensing examinations as cosmetology instructors.

Review NC-SARA: Accepted College Licensure or Certifications by Educational Program & State to learn what states outside of Mississippi accept this program licensure.


Cosmetology Teacher Training Option (1):

This curriculum is designed for students who currently holds a valid Mississippi cosmetology license (1000 contact hours).

Semester One

Course Credit(s)
COV 2816 - Cosmetology Teacher Training I 6
COV 2826 - Cosmetology Teacher Training II 6

Semester Two

Course Credit(s)
COV 2836 - Cosmetology Teacher Training III 6
COV 2846 - Cosmetology Teacher Training IV 6

Total Credits: 24

Cosmetology Teacher Training Option (2):

This curriculum is designed for the student instructor who currently holds a valid Mississippi cosmetology license.

Semester One

Course Credit(s)
COV 2816 - Cosmetology Teacher Training I 6

Semester Two

Course Credit(s)
COV 2826 - Cosmetology Teacher Training II 6

Semester Three

Course Credit(s)
COV 2836 - Cosmetology Teacher Training III 6

Semester Four

Course Credit(s)
COV 2846 - Cosmetology Teacher Training IV 6

Total Credits: 24

Total Clock Hours: 1,035

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(228) 896-2536questions@mgccc.eduMonday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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(601) 766-6451

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(228) 896-2503

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(601) 928-6220

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