Procedures for Establishing a New Organization at MGCCC
New Student Organizations
When a group of students desire to become a sanctioned student organization (an organization that is recognized and approved by the administration at MGCCC), the following procedures must be followed:
- Complete the Application for Charter form and turn in to Supervisor of Student Organizations for the appropriate campus. This could be the Coordinator of Student Activities or other members of the Student Services staff. Consult the Dean of Student Services office for a direct point of contact.
- Along with the Application for Charter, submit a list of no less than ten names of interested students to the Supervisor of Student Organizations.
- As part of the Application for Charter, potential student organizations must select an advisor. Student organization advisors must be a faculty or staff member who agrees to assume the role and responsibilities of advisor for the organization.
- Each Application for Charter will be evaluated by the Supervisor of Student Organizations and submitted for approval by the campus Student Government Association.
- After the charter is granted, by approval of the Student Government Association, the proposed organization has two weeks to submit a constitution to the Supervisor of Student Organizations. The constitution must clearly state the organization’s purpose, objectives and proposed structure. Constitutions must be consistent with the Student Handbook and other policies supported by the College. All clubs are encouraged to look to national and or local organizations that are similar in focus to theirs, for guidance regarding local charters, constitutions and organizational guidelines.
- After approving potential student organizations, the Student Government Association and Supervisor of Student Organizations will submit organization information to the Dean of Student Services for final approval.
- All newly approved student organizations must serve a one-semester temporary status period. After an evaluation by the Supervisor of Student Organizations, organizations are granted or refused permanent status. Those organizations that are refused permanent status will be given an opportunity for reconsideration following a one semester waiting period and another evaluation.
Student Organization Finances
Organization Accounts
All MGCCC recognized organizations and clubs must establish a club/organization account in the Business Office. All monies collected, raised and otherwise obtained must be deposited in a club/organization account. Student club/organization accounts do not accrue interest. The organization/club advisor and designated student representative are responsible for recording deposits and withdrawals. The College does not assume responsibility for any debts made by organizations/clubs. Only organization/club advisors are authorized to make deposits and withdrawals from accounts. All club/organization accounts are subject to periodic audits.
Accounts that are held by organizations/clubs that have been inactive or not recognized for two consecutive years will forfeit all monies in their accounts. This money will be placed in a general club/organization account.
Constitution of the Name of Organization
Adopted Date
ARTICLE I (name)
The name of this organization shall be the __________ and hereafter shall be referred to as __________.
ARTICLE II (Purpose)
State purpose and need of the organization’s established aims which are educational and compatible with the best interest of the college.
ARTICLE Ill (Membership)
Section 1. All members are bona fide MGCCC Students.
Section 2. Membership selection is open to everyone without regard to race, religion, or national origin.
ARTICLE IV (Officers)
Section 1. List Officers
Section 2. Election of officers
Section 3. Eligibility of officers (See Student Handbook)
Section 4. Duties of officers
Section 5. Vacancy of office
Section 6. Tenure of office
Section 1. Determination of dues
Section 2. Changing of dues
ARTICLE VI (Advisor)
Section 1. Selection of Advisor
Section 2. Duties
ARTICLE VII ( Meetings)
Statement in accordance with Student Handbook
ARTICLE VIII (Activities)
Statement in accordance with Student Handbook
ARTICLE IX (Amendments)
Statement in accordance with Student Handbook
How to Renew Your Student Organization
Each May, all recognized student organizations/clubs in good standing will be required to renew their organization with the Supervisor of Student Organizations for the coming academic year. All organizations/clubs failing to renew their charter with the Supervisor of Student Organizations will be placed on probation for no less than one academic semester. Probation from recognized status may result in loss of privileges held by recognized organizations/clubs {ability to meet on campus, ability to hold fundraisers, ability to request travel, etc.).
Download Organization Renewal Application
The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College program of student organizations intends to provide students with basic experiences in social, personal, and educational development and is considered an integral part of the College. Organization advisors are individuals who, out of interest and dedication, give their time and talents to the out-of-classroom experience.
Responsibilities of Advisors
The nature of the relationship of the advisor to the group will vary with each organization. Areas the advisor will be concerned with are:
- The responsibility to MGCCC
- The responsibility to the group
- The responsibility to the individual
Organization advisors play a vital role in insuring that the organization experience will be meaningful to students. The most successful organizations usually are those in which the advisor takes an active interest in the group. It is essential that organization advisors are fully aware of their responsibilities:
- To be well informed on all plans and activities of the group through regular attendance at meetings, activities, social functions, and frequent consultation with the officers.
- To serve as liaison between MGCCC and the organization, interpreting, if necessary, policy or philosophy, and generally to act as a resource person for the group.
- To regularly attend lnterclub meetings held by the Supervisor of Student Organizations.
- To have a thorough knowledge of the goals and objectives of the organization.
- To have a belief in and an enthusiasm for the organization and its purpose.
- To know the students in the organization as individuals and to encourage opportunities within the group which will contribute to each student’s development.
- To be familiar with the constitution and bylaws of their respective organizations and be prepared to render assistance with their interpretation.
- To be familiar with the institution’s policies and rules which govern approved student organizations.
- To communicate with the Supervisor of Student Organizations concerning all activities of the group.
- To contact the Supervisor of Student Organizations to discuss organizational problems, plans or changes in organizational status that may be of interest or importance to MGCCC.
- To provide constructive criticism when it is deemed necessary; likewise, positive organizational accomplishments should be appropriately acknowledged.
- To encourage participation of the membership as a whole in the activities and service functions of the organization.
- To encourage the active interest of the organization in the entire campus program, so that it will identify itself as a part of the whole campus community.
- To encourage good record keeping, sound financial practices and to be informed of all organization expenditures.
- To assist with advance planning, especially with regard to long range goals and short term projects.
- To encourage democratic functioning, being careful not to dominate the group or to allow any minority or individuals to use it for their own means.
- To consult with the organization’s officers prior to the initiation of any major action.
- To actively search out national organizations that would most align with your group. These organizations should be able to provide national recognition and conference opportunities, charters, philosophies and leadership classes/internships.
- To be available for consultations when situations arise requiring expertise.
- To assist in the solving of (not to try to personally solve) problems which may arise for the organization. The advisor should, however, be a positive and strong influence within the group.
- To be present at all student organization activities and ensure that all student members and advisors act appropriately.