Visual Arts
The MGCCC Visual Arts programs offer students the opportunity to learn the basics of a variety of artistic mediums, the history of art and its cultural significance. On- and off-campus exhibitions and competitions allow student artists the opportunity to show their work, build a portfolio and gain self-confidence.
Visual Arts
Visual arts classes are offered at the Jackson County, Harrison County and Perkinston campuses. Students in the visual art programs learn the core foundational skills necessary for future growth in all visual art disciplines. Plus, MGCCC students who plan to earn Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees can take the core visual art classes required by most four-year colleges and universities.
Non-art majors are encouraged to take all art classes, including studio classes. Art doesn’t have to be a career, but it can enhance a student’s ability to appreciate culture, as well as provide an outlet for expression.
Available classes include Drawing I, Design I and Ceramics I, which are required prerequisites for Drawing II, Design II and Ceramics II. Students in these classes will learn the core foundational skills necessary for future growth in all visual art disciplines.
Class Requirements
Students in visual arts classes are expected to attend class on a regular basis. Classes vary in length and can be fairly demanding. Studio classes meet six hours per week. Students should spend at least as much time outside of class working as they do in the classroom. Substantial practice is required to be successful at any visual art medium.
There are a variety of scholarships available to art majors. Art Department scholarships include $500-$1,000 scholarships and performance/success-based scholarships for second-semester and second-year students. The merit-based scholarships are usually given to students in studio classes who demonstrate an exceptional work ethic and mastery of studio skills. These scholarships are usually awarded in the spring.
There are also community scholarships available, including the Singing River Arts Association Scholarship ($500) and ZONTA Ellen Wheeler Scholarship ($500).
Art Exhibits and Events
Art events are held throughout the year, including fall and spring student art shows, Tri-Art-a-Thon, Combo Platter Art Show, Alumni Art Show and Visiting Artists Community Art Show (CAC). The art department on each campus holds regular exhibitions and the annual student art exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery each semester.
Students are encouraged to display their work in exhibitions and compete in various contests, including the annual Mississippi Community/Junior College Art Instructors Association statewide competition.
Exhibiting artists are chosen by the gallery director at each campus. Selection is based on the quality of the work and subject matter. Artists interested in exhibiting their work in an MGCCC gallery are required to email digital images of their work to the respective gallery director. The work will be reviewed to determine if the work is professional in nature and to ensure the subject matter is appropriate for the college.