b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEWhen a young person, even a gifted one, grows up without proximate living examples of what she may aspire to becomewhetherlawyer,scientist, artist, or leader in any realmher goalRole Model Tipsremains abstract.Such models as appear in books or on the news, however inspiring or revered, are ultimately too remote to Be organized be real, let alone influential.But a role Be on timemodel in the flesh provides more than Dress appropriatelyinspiration; his or her very existence is Be humbleconfirmation of possibilities one may Show empathyhave every reason to doubt, saying, Yes, Perform volunteer work Point out the positivesomeone like me can do this.Avoid social media with students(Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 2013, Give lectures about role modelspp. 226-227).Encourage students to think for themselvesAdditionally,studentsinonestudyexpressed consensus regarding observation of role models as instrumental in their development of essential skills.Identification of Specific Through their interaction with others, these students were able to observe essential skills modeled byEssential Skills for the QEPteachers and to participate in activities designed toInformed by the literature, the QEP Development encourage essential skill development.Even thoughCommittee identified several specific essential skills. these individuals believed that, ultimately, they wereAll essential skills identified by MGCCC advisory personally responsible for attaining the essential skills,councils were given consideration because that they desired role models to imitate.The culminationconstituency has intimate knowledge of the skills of the complete educational process must includethat MGCCC students possess.As previously models that inspire professional growth, as well asdiscussed and illustrated in Table 5 (page 18), the skills required to complete work requirementsAttributes of Essential Skills by Organization, the (Bergh et al., 2014).For this reason, all MGCCCcommonly identified essential skills attributes were Career instructors will be trained to learn and modelpunctuality/attendance, interviewfollow up/theessential skills taught to students within theattire, communicationoral/written, teamwork/scope of this QEP. collaboration, interpersonal relationships, problem Educators as role models is not a new conceptsolving/analytical/creativity, and time management. because students often emulate adults in their livesThe QEP Development Committee cross-referenced both in and out of the classroom. According to thosethe various skills identified by the organizations and who encourage students to become educators, thefound that more than one organization, including following tips are important to encourage teachers tothe MGCCC advisory councils, identified some of be good role models. (EducationDegree.com, 2018):the skills.That is, the organizations agreed on the value of some of the essential skills.The following list of essential skills stem from these common areas of need:24 MGCCC QEP 2019'