b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEBasedontheongoingcollectionofdata,theover the course of the semester to determine whether QEPImplementationCommitteewillmakeattendance and punctuality improve as students learn recommendations for improvement to the QEPabout the importance of these skills.Additionally, Steering Committee, which includes the Collegeattendance/punctuality will be examined throughout President and Executive Council.This mixed methodsthe four semesters as students progress through approach will allow MGCCC to track progress ontheir programs.attendance/punctuality, listening, and speaking while addressing new concerns as they arise. Micro-Assessment:Assessing Student LearningSLO # 1Attendance and Punctuality: Students will be present and punctual.A. Career students will attend class 91% of the 91% contact hours.B. Career students will be on time for 95% of the classroom meetings that they attend. ATTENDANCEIn order to obtain consistent and reliable measurements of attendance and punctuality, Blackboards AutomatedRATEAttendance Monitoring scanners have been installed in each classroom collegewide, including the Career classrooms.As students enter the classroom, they will use their MGCCC ID to scan in and record their attendance.Weekly attendance reports will be generated, allowing faculty and IR to analyze the dataMGCCC QEP 2019 51'