b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEASSESSMENTMississippi Gulf Coast Community College will implement essential skills training for MGCCC Career students focused on three essential skills (three SLOs)identified during the QEP topic development process, which align with the college mission and institutional commitments from Strategic Plan 2020 (2011).The three SLOs are attendance/punctuality, listening, and speaking.The QEP topic originated from the student body, in which they stated a desire to be more adequately prepared for the workplace. The students proposed a framework that incorporates soft skill development for students with the intention of a higher rate of employability, increased self-confidence measured within designated courses, and feedback and awareness when entering the jobfrom stakeholders (i.e., employees, employers, and market (Student Proposal, p. 2). students) throughout the implementation of the QEP. After receiving feedback from stakeholders, theAssessment will also include an evaulation of the college determined that essential skills trainingeffectiveness of the plan itself.The desired outcome should focus on the Career programs where studentsis that the students will learn and be able to apply are moving through their programs in cohorts andthe three essential skills when they leave MGCCC entering the workforce immediately after graduation. and enter the next phase of their lives. Figure 11 Assessment will include measures of student successillustrates the assessment plan, which is based upon tracked over time, curricular student learning outcomes the three QEP Commitments and the three SLOs.EMPLOYER STUDENTFEEDBACK FEEDBACK(Indirect) (Indirect) INSTITUTIONALEMPLOYEE QEP #2 ANNUALFEEDBACK QEP #2 REVIEW(Indirect) (Direct & Indirect)QEP #2 QEP #3QEP #1(Direct)SLO 1SLO 2SLO 3ATTENDANCE LISTENING SPEAKINGFigure 11.Illustration of the QEP AssessmentMGCCC QEP 2019 49'