b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEComparing the Survey Results:Employers, Employees, and GraduatesWhentheresultsofthesethreesurveysweremetric.compared, some trends began to emerge. FigureAs it relates to MGCCC students, the data revealed 5 illustrates these findings.For example, graduatesa gap in essential skills attainment when comparing rated themselves higher in every category whenthe employers ratings of students and students compared to the feedback given by employersself-assessment.Likewise, the data revealed a gap in and MGCCC employees.Conversely, MGCCCessential skills attainment when comparing MGCCC employees rated students lower in every categoryemployees ratings and students self-assessment.As when compared to the results indicated by employersa general finding, MGCCC employees are the most and students.MGCCC employees did not ratecritical of students essential skills, and the students students on listening and speaking to customersself-assessment consistently indicated the highest because they have little basis to give feedback onscores.Employers rated students in the middle on this metric.Meanwhile, employers rated studentsevery essential skill.somewhere in between these two extremes on every Appropriate Attire at Class/Work 2.89 3.323.53Punctuality/Attendance 2.72 3.163.44Rsum Writing 3.002.763.48Email Etiquette 3.292.54 3.53Interview Skills 3.162.713.48Listening and Speaking to Co-Workers/ 2.83 3.17Peers 3.523.15Listening and Speaking to Customers 3.562.63 3.00Social Media Management 3.48Employers (N=31) MGCCC Employee (N=722) MGCCC Graduate (N=435)Figure 5. Comparing the Survey Results: Employers, Employees, and Students28 MGCCC QEP 2019'