b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEImpact of SLO AchievementAttainment of the SLOs will enhance learning, andThe purpose statement aligns with MGCCCs Institutional the effect of SLO achievement is designed to increaseCommitments (Teaching and Learning, Student Success, employability among the colleges Career students.Community Engagement and Partnerships, and Culture Their understanding of attendance and punctualityof Innovation) from the Colleges Strategic Plan 2020, will make them more reliable and accountable towhich is discussed above in the section Topic Selection. employers. Proficiencies in listening and speaking will allow them to communicate effectively andThe three SLOs will be taught and assessed in a variety of appropriatelywithcustomersandco-workers.ways that will support MGCCCs mission and institutional Comprehension and demonstration of the threecommitments. The Implementation section (p.36) will SLOs will prove beneficial for the students and theirdiscuss in more detail how the SLOs correspond with overall success in the workplace, which supportsthe mission and institutional commitments.the purpose statement of the QEP:Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will propagate a culture of essential skills improvement among MGCCC Career students by aligning academic and support services with best practices and resources that empower students to take ownership of their essential skills needs related to attendance/punctuality, listening, and speaking.MGCCC QEP 2019 35'