b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEListening and Speaking Distilled SLO # 1Attendance and Punctuality: Students will be present and punctual.A. Career students will attend class 91% of theThe Development Committee acknowledged that contact hours.a deficit in listening and speaking was, ultimately,B. Career students will be on time for 95% of theabout communication.When done effectively, classroom meetings that they attend. communication is a two-way interactional processSLO #2Listening*:Students will demonstrate requiringbothlisteningandspeaking(Suinn,proficiency in listening in the following areas:2006). A. Nonverbal:82% of students will exhibitphysical behaviors that support active listening Distilling the core skills of listening and speaking by scoring a 3 (Effective) or 4 (Exemplary) on a further, the research indicated appropriate behaviors 4-point rubric.associated with excellence in each of the areas. ThisB. Active Listening in the Workplace led to greater specificity, focus areas, within the two(Summarization): 75% of students will facets of communication (i.e. listening and speaking):summarize proficiently the request made by Nonverbal Communicationability for students to a customer or coworker by scoring a 3use effectivephysical behavior that supports active (Effective) or 4 (Exemplary) on a 4-point rubric.listening and the verbal message.C.Situational Listening in the Workplace(Identifying Follow-up Questions):50% of Workplace Communicationability for students to students will identify appropriate follow-upsummarize and repeat as a representation of active questions in response to a request made by a listening, and students using pronunciation, grammar, customer or coworker by scoring a 3 and articulation appropriate to the audience. (Effective) or 4 (Exemplary) on a 4-point rubric.D. Presentation Listening:61% of students Situational Communicationability for students to ask will identify relevant information given during appropriate questions to demonstrate good listening a presentation by scoring a 3 (Effective) or 4 skills, and the ability for students to speak effectively (Exemplary) on a 4-point rubric.across a variety of workplace contexts.SLO #3Speaking*:Students will demonstrate proficiency in speaking in the following areas:Presentations ability for students to identifyA. Nonverbal:85% of students will exhibit relevant information given during a presentation physical behaviors that support the verbal for active listening, and students will identify relevant message by scoring a 3 (Effective) or 4 information and integrate the information logically (Exemplary) on a 4-point rubric.into a presentation.B.Workplace Speaking (Use of Language):75%of students will use pronunciation, grammar, Implementation of each focus area (e.g., nonverbal, and articulation appropriate to the audience workplace, situational, presentation) will introduce by scoring a 3(Effective) or 4 (Exemplary) on a a pair of SLOs, one listening SLO and one speaking 4-point rubric.SLO, each semester. C. Situational Workplace Speaking (Content): 75% of students will speak effectively acrossa variety of workplace contexts by scoring a 3(Effective) or 4 (Exemplary) on a 4-point rubric.D. Public Speaking:82% of students will identifyrelevant information and integrate theinformation logically into a presentation byscoring a 3 (Effective) or 4 (Exemplary) on a4-point rubric.*Appendix K contains the rubrics.MGCCC QEP 2019 33'