b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEQUALITY ENHANCEMENT PLAN Number ofStudents w/SuccessfullyDemonstratedCompetency Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.*Target nonverbal behaviors for listening and speaking derived from: Morreale, S. P., Moore,*Target nonverbal behaviors for speaking derived from: M.(2007).competent&TheMorreale, S. P., Moore, M. R., Taylor K. P., Surges-Taturm, D.,speaker Evaluation form and manual. Washington, D.C.: National Communication Association.& Hulbert-Johnson, R., (eds). (2007). The competent speaker Evaluation form and manual. Washington, D.C.: NationalCommunication Association.Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. 3C (Content): Students will demonstrate the ability to speak effectively across a variety of workplace contexts, executing delivery and adapting to audience, setting, and occasion.3D (Presentation): Students will demonstrate the ability to identify, organize, and integrate relevant content into a presentation.SLO ReportingNumber ofStudentsAssessed*Target Nonverbal Behaviors for Speaking Derived From: Richmond, V. P., McCroskey, J. C., & Hickson, M. (2008). Nonverbal behavior in interpersonal relations.Surges-Taturm,Hulbert-Johnson,K.R.,(eds).D.,P.,*Target Nonverbal Behaviors for Speaking Derived From: Richmond, V. P., McCroskey, J. C., & Hickson, M. (2008). Nonverbal behavior in interpersonal relations. 3A (Nonverbal): Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate information and ideas using nonverbal behaviors that support the verbal message. 3B (Use of Language): Students will demonstrate the ability to use pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and articulation appropriate to the audience.Student EFFECTIVELY exhibitsAT LEAST 4 of these targetnonverbal behaviors* in a waythat supports and enhances theverbal message. Target behaviors:eye contactfacial expressionsgestures/body movementposture attire appropriate to situationStudent employs excellentgrammar; pronounciation isprecse; vocal variety utlized;applies vocabulary thatcommunicates the messagein clear terms chosenspecifically for the audience. Student demonstrates a keenawareness of context, identifiessubtle cues of a shifting context,incorporates exceptional deliveryskills suitable to the topic, andeffortlessly adapts volume, rate,tone, and style chosen specificallyfor the audience.Student fully identifies relevantcontent; organization ofpresentation is logical; andeffectively conveys the meaningand purpose to the audience. TaylorR., Student identifies appropriatefollow-up questions that elicit theprecise information needed tosatisfy the request, fullydemonstrating a deepunderstanding of theemployers/customers mission. Student identifies relevantcontent, comprehends thepurpose, and makes newconnections based onpresentation content.Exemplary (4)ProficientStudent EFFECTIVELY exhibitsAT LEAST 3 of these targetnonverbal behaviors* in a waythat supports the verbalmessage. Student identifies appropriateTarget behaviors:follow-up questions that elicitsufficient information to satisfy therequest. facial expressionsgestures/body movementattire appropriate to situationStudent identifies relevantStudent employs grammar with fewinformation and comprehends itserrors; pronunciation is precise;purpose in the presentation. and vocabulary is well-chosen andcommunicates the message inclear terms, displaying anawareness of the audience. Student demonstrates anawareness of context, identifiescues of a shifting context,incorporates delivery skills suitableto the topic, and adapts someelements of volume, rate, tone, andstyle. Student identifies relevant content,and the presentation is organizedand conveys the meaning andpurpose to the audience. eye contactposture QEP Speaking RubricQEP Listening RubricQEP Speaking Rubric Effective (3)3C (Content): Students will demonstratethe ability to speakeffectively across a varietyof workplace contexts,executing delivery andadapting to audience,setting, and occassion.3D (Presentation):Students will demonstratethe ability to identify,organize, and integraterelevant content into apresentation.Student EFFECTIVELY exhibitsAT LEAST 2 of these targetnonverbal behaviors* in a way thatsupports the verbal message.Target behaviors:eye contactfacial expressionsgestures/body movementposture attire appropriate to situationStudent employs grammar,pronunciation, and vocabulary thatcommunicates the message butdoes not take the audience intoconsideration. Student identifies anappropriate follow-up questionbut does not elicit enoughinformation to satisfy therequest. Student identifies relevantcontent but fails to comprehendits purpose in the presentation. Student demonstrates anawareness of context but fails toadapt volume, rate, tone, and/orstyle appropriately.Student identifies some relevantcontent, but the presentationlacks organization and logicalstructure.Adequate (2)QEP Speaking Rubric: For Assessing SLO #3 (A-D)QEP Speaking Student Learning Objectives: Sampling Methodology:Area of OpportunityQEP Speaking SLOsStudent EFFECTIVELY exhibitsONE OR FEWER of these target3A (Nonverbal): nonverbal behaviors* in a way thatStudents will demonstratethe ability to effectivelysupports the verbal message. communicate informationand ideas using nonverbalbehaviors that support theStudent identifies no follow-upTarget behaviors:questions. verbal message. eye contactfacial expressionsgestures/body movementposture attire appropriate to situationStudent does not identify relevantStudent employs grammar,information. pronunciation, and vocabulary3B (Use of Language):that are severely deficient,Students will demonstratethe ability to useobscuring the message to thepronunciation, grammar,audience. vocabulary, and articulationappropriate to theaudience.Student does not demonstrate anMississippi Gulf Coast Community College General Education Committeeawareness of context whenspeaking. Student does not identify relevantcontent. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College General Education Committee 2C (Follow-upQuestions): Students will demonstratethe ability to identifyappropriate follow-upquestions to a requestmade by a customer orcoworker.2D (Presentation):Students will demonstratethe ability to identifyrelevant content givenduring a presentation.Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College General Education Committee Ineffective (1)88 MGCCC QEP 2019'