b'MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGEStructure of CTE Programs: The QEP Development Committee collaborated with the Career instructors to embed the three Stackable Credentials essential skills (three SLOs) in each semester of the All MGCCC CTE programs are designed with stackableCareer program and within every credential level. credentials.As defined by the US Department of Labor,This collaboration began during a QEP Summit held stackable credentials are a sequence of credentialswith all Career faculty on January 8, 2019.The QEP that can be accumulated over time to build up anSummit was a workshop to help educate the Career individuals qualifications and help that individual tofaculty on the goals (i.e., SLOs) and logistics of the move along a Career pathway to further education andQEP, and the Career faculty engaged in discussions different responsibilities, and potentially higher payingon QEP implementation strategies.The stackable-jobs (United States Department of Labor, 2010).credentials model for CTE programs allows each That is, students start by achieving one credentialprogram to be designed over four semesters, with and work up to higher-level credentials by taking15 hours in each semester.With input from Career more classes and building skills.MGCCC adoptedinstructors, the committee identified specific classes stackable credentials for all CTE programs for severalduring each semester to introduce and develop two reasons.First, stackable credentials provide studentsof the essential skills: Listening and Speaking.In with intermediate goals along their path to the A.A.S.addition, one of the three essential skills, Attendance/or A.A.S.O.E. degree.Second, it creates points inPunctuality, will be addressed and encouraged in the curriculum for employers to better understandevery course in the Career programs.This approach the competencies.Third, this approach supports thewill allow students to repeat what works and repeat educational needs of the non-traditional students andthose actions in a stable context in order to form provides several meaningful exit points.associations between cues and response (Wood, 2014). MGCCCs CTE programs are designed to includeImplementation instackablecredentialsthatsupportstudentCareer Programs: achievement at multiple points along the path to an Associate of Applied Science degree: 30 creditDefining Career and Technical ProgramshoursCertificate; 45 credit hoursDiploma; andAs noted, the focus of the QEP will be on the Career 60-64 credit hoursA.A.S. or A.A.S.O.E. degree.programs. Therefore, a clear distinction between Industry demand, innovative approaches to learningCareer and Technical programs is necessary to by the faculty, and support of the Colleges Boarddefine the programs considered to be Career of Trustees shaped this process.These industryversus Technical. According to the United States credentials include areas such as American WeldingDepartment of Education (2018), Technical programs Society (AWS), National Incident Managementteach the science behind the occupation, while System (NIMS), National Center for ConstructionCareer programs focus on hands-on application Education and Research (NCCER), and Nationalof skills needed to do the job.That is, Technical Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).Facultyprograms include some theory while Career programs initiated and supported all of these moves: usually emphasize the hands-on skills.Table 11 lists MGCCCs Career programs and the specific classes during each semester where the essential skills will I think that this will give our studentsbe taught.These courses identify the specific place points of accomplishment as they workof implementation in the Career programs.towards degree completion.- John Poelma, MGCCC Electronics Instructor and Technical Department Chair.38 MGCCC QEP 2019'