Tuition Policies

Student Payments

Tuition and fees are due in full at the time of registration. Students may enroll in a monthly payment plan once registration opens for each term. There is no enrollment fee and payments will automatically adjust if changes are made to the student account. Payments must be made by the scheduled due dates or a $40 late fee will be assessed and the student’s account will be placed on hold.

A student who maintains an account balance with the college may not be allowed to register for any future semester until his/her account balance is satisfied.

Summary of Expenses of Non-Credit Skill Training Courses

All students enrolled in non-credit skill training courses will need to complete the non-credit registration form, submit the required supporting documents, and pay the registration fee which is due at the time of registration. Students will be entitled to a 100% refund, provided written notification is received by the appropriate campus personnel one week prior to the start of the class.

The MGCCC Board of Trustees reserves the right to adjust any and all fees as necessary.

Refund Policy

To be eligible for a refund of tuition, a student must officially withdraw within the refund period and request a refund upon completion of the withdrawal procedure. Calculation of the amount of refund will be based on the last date of attendance and the following provisions:

  • 100% of refundable tuition & fees if official withdrawal and request for refund is received prior to the first day of the term.
  • 90% of refundable tuition through the second week of full-term classes. Students may contact the campus Business Office to verify the last date of withdrawal to obtain a 90% refund.
  • 90% of refundable tuition through the first week of short-term classes. Students may contact the center or campus Business Office to verify the last date of withdrawal to obtain a 90% refund.
  • 0% refund thereafter.

Calculation of the amount of refund will be based on the last date of attendance and the following provisions:

  1. Out-of-state fees are non-refundable fees unless a student officially withdraws prior to the first day classes meet in an enrollment period.
  2. Adjustments to accounts will be calculated based on total refundable semester charges — not percentage of partial payment.
  3. The hourly charge for the Excelerated Career Programs is 100% refundable if official withdrawal and request for refund is received prior to the first day of class. Once classes begin, the hourly charge will not be refunded.

Exceptions to the Above are as Follows:

  • Meal costs on the Perkinston Campus are refundable up to the unused balance of cost if applied for during the first three months of the semester.
  • Title IV Federal Student Aid — All aid for students who are receiving Title IV Federal Aid are refunded to the appropriate source on a pro-rata basis upon the student’s total withdrawal during the first 60% of the enrollment period.
  • Non-Credit Refund Policy — Registrants for Continuing Education classes (including seminars, workshops, and skills classes) will be entitled to a 100% refund, provided written notification is received by the appropriate Continuing Education Specialist one week prior to the start of the class. If the class is canceled, a full refund will be given. A registrant may designate a substitute person to attend if notification is received at least 24 hours prior to beginning of the class/program. The College reserves the right to substitute instructors, change class schedules, and cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Any exceptions to this policy must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Community Campus or designee for approval. Travel to Learn programs are not eligible for refunds unless the college cancels activities/trips.
  • Student Medical Withdrawal — MGCCC has adopted a statement addressing the required procedures to accommodate credit students with an unforeseen medical problem. These procedures address the refund of tuition for currently enrolled students who must withdraw from classes due to a medical emergency. Copies of these procedures and required forms can be obtained at the campus Dean of Teaching and Learning office.
  • Residence hall fees are non-refundable.
  • Appeals for any other refund due to extenuating circumstances may be made in writing to the Dean of Teaching and Learning.

In all cases, unpaid charges will be deducted during the calculation of refunds.

A number of financial assistance options are available for students from federal, state and local sources. These options include grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study opportunities. Financial Aid Offices at each MGCCC campus can provide further information about the options.

Answer Center

(228) 896-2536questions@mgccc.eduMonday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Business Offices

George County Center
(601) 766-6451

Harrison County Campus
(228) 896-2503

Jackson County Campus
(228) 497-7801

Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6338


Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6220

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