Print/Download 1098-T

  1. If prompted, log in with your MGCCC email and password.
    Forgot Password? Try Password Recovery or visit the IT Helpdesk.
  2. Select the Tax Year from the dropdown to view your 1098-T.
  3. Click the print icon for print and download options.
  4. Select Form 1098-T or Form 1098-T and Supplemental Information section.
  5. Click the Print button.
  6. Print or download the PDF file.

1098-T Box Explanation

Box 1
Payments received up to the total amount charged for (QTRE) Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses. (Tuition and Registration, Technology, Lab, Career & Technical, Online and Resource fees) This includes the total amount of ALL payments received for QTRE from all sources during the calendar year including scholarships and grants, which are also reported again in Box 5. Net payments are all payments minus any refunds.

Box 2
Empty – As of 2018, federal regulations require that institutions report amounts paid (Box 1) versus amounts billed (Box 2)

Box 3
Empty – MGCCC did not change reporting methods this year

Box 4
Adjustments the school has made to qualified expenses reported on a previous year’s 1098-T

Box 5
The amount of scholarships and grants that were paid directly to the school for the student’s expenses during the calendar year. This box should not include Loans or MPACT.

Box 6
Any reduction to scholarships for a previous calendar year

Box 7
Should be checked if there is an amount in box 1 that includes expenses for an academic term that begins in the first months of the year following the year covered by the 1098-T.

Box 8
This box indicates if the student was at least half time during any semester.

Box 9
Empty – MGCCC does not offer graduate courses.

Box 10
Empty – MGCCC does not populate this box.

Additional Information and FAQ

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George County Center
(601) 766-6451

Harrison County Campus
(228) 896-2503

Jackson County Campus
(228) 497-7801

Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6338