MGCCC is pleased to offer payment plans allowing parents and students multiple plans, with the option to choose when to begin making payments based on the plan selected. Signing up for an earlier due date will provide lower monthly payments and extra time to pay off your balance. You can schedule your payments to draft automatically from your bank account or pay online. You’ll receive a payment schedule by email when you sign up and email receipt with each payment.

Enroll in a Payment Plan

  1. Log in to MyGulfCoast.
  2. Locate the Balances widget
  3. Select Make a Payment.
  4. *If no balance is displayed, please contact Enrollment Services to verify your registration status or contact Financial Aid to check your financial aid status.

  5. Select Payment Plans and follow the prompts to enroll.

How to Secure Your Classes

Payment Plans

Accepting Your Financial Aid

Spring 2024 Payment Plan Schedule

Sign-up DatesNumber of PaymentsPayments BeginMonths of Payments
November 1 - November 57November 5November 5 - May 5
November 1 - December 56December 5December 5- May 5
November 1 - January 55January 5January 5 - May 5
January 6 - April 54Upon enrollment*February 5 - May 5
*Once 1st payment is made, Feb 5 due date is satisfied.

Summer 2024 Payment Plan Schedule

Sign-up DatesNumber of PaymentsPayments BeginMonths of Payments
April 1 - April 154April 15April 15 - July 15
April 1 - May 153May 15May 15 - July 15
May 16 - July 7Up to 2Upon Enrollment*June 15 - July 15
*Once 1st payment is made, June 15 due date is satisfied

Fall 2024 Payment Plan Schedule

Sign-up DatesNumber of PaymentsPayments BeginMonths of Payments
April 1 - April 158April 15April 15 - November 15
April 1 - May 157May 15May 15 - November 15
April 1 - June 156June 15June 15 - November 15
April 1 - July 155July 15July 15 - November 15
April 1 - August 154August 15August 15 - November 15
August 16 - October 17Up to 3Upon Enrollment*September 15 - November 15
*Once 1st payment is made, September 15 due date is satisfied

Business Offices

George County Center
(601) 766-6451

Harrison County Campus
(228) 896-2503

Jackson County Campus
(228) 497-7801

Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6338