Become a Trained Pastry Chef in Two Years

About the Program

The Baking & Pastry Arts Technology option provides a solid foundation in everything from breads and cakes to confections and frozen desserts. Special emphasis is placed on baking & pastry tools, equipment, techniques, and specialty ingredients. The heart of the Baking & Pastry Arts Technology program is hands-on lab instruction by a chef instructor in a commercial kitchen.

Career Opportunities

With the superior baking skills you’ll learn in this program, you’ll be ready for an entry-level position in a rewarding, creative career. Bakers and pastry chefs are needed for niches like:

  • Chocolatier
  • Artisan Breads
  • Wedding Cakes
  • Cake Designer/Decorator
  • Research and Development Chef
  • Food Stylist

Degree Options and Requirements

This program leads to an Associate of Applied Science Degree and is preparatory for employment upon graduation from MGCCC. Where a transfer to four-year college or university is desired, a conference should be scheduled with a MGCCC advisor.

All students completing a career or technical program must complete a MGCCC Board- approved Technical Skills Attainment where applicable. Students should see an advisor for further details.

Program Outcomes

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Baking & Pastry Arts Technology Coursework

For class times, visit the MGCCC class schedules.

Baking & Pastry Arts Technology Certificate

Semester One

Course Credit(s)
HRT 1213 - Sanitation and Safety 3
CUT 1135 - Principles of Baking 5
CUT 1114 - Culinary Principles I 4
CUT 1153 - Introduction to Culinary Arts 3

Semester Two

Course Credit(s)
CUT 1613 - Nutrition 3
BPT 1224 - Cookies, Mignardise and Frozen Desserts 4
BPT 1234 - Classic Pastry, Pies and Tarts 4
BPT 2214 - Artisan Breads and Viennoiserie 4

Total Credits: 30

Baking & Pastry Arts Technology Diploma

Semester Three

Course Credit(s)
BPT 2324 - Advanced Cakes and Patisserie 4
BPT 2913 - Supervised Work Experience in Baking and Pastry Arts 3
BPT 2334 - Chocolates, Confections Sugar Artistry 4
BPT 1314 - Restaurant/Catering Operations 4

Total Credits: 15

Total Clock Hours: 1,290

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Semester Four

Course Credit(s)
ENG 1113 / 1114 English Composition I or ENG 1033 Technical English 3/4
SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I 3
Math/Natural Science Elective 3/4*
Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3

Total Credits: 15/17


Please refer to “The Credit by Non-Traditional Means” regarding stipulations for receiving articulated credit.

*MAT 1033, MAT 1313 or higher or any lab science.

Answer Center

(228) 896-2536questions@mgccc.eduMonday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Business Offices

George County Center
(601) 766-6451

Harrison County Campus
(228) 896-2503

Jackson County Campus
(228) 497-7801

Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6338


Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6220

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