MGCCC President Graham

The Executive Council advises the President on improvements in policies, procedures, and all budget and operational aspects of the institution. The primary function of the Executive Council is to establish and maintain cohesiveness of policy and operation throughout the college. The Executive Council acts upon recommendations from other governance councils.

The Executive Council is comprised of executive administrative leadership for all educational, service, and administrative units of the institution. As the executive leadership of the institution, members have the authority to carry out the action items and activities resulting from meetings and other duties assigned by the President. Executive Council meetings are chaired by the President, and meeting agenda items are coordinated through the office of the President.

All minutes of the Executive Council are distributed to college employees and published on the college website.

Dr. Mary Graham,

MGCCC President

Dr. Cedric Bradley
Vice President of Jackson County Campus &
Haley Reeves Barbour Maritime Training Academy

Dr. Suzi Brown
Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Dr. Tammy Franks
Vice President of Student Services &
Enrollment Strategies

Mr. Adam Pickering
Chief Information Officer, Ellucian

Dr. Jason Pugh
Vice President of Administration & Finance

Dr. Erin Riggins
Vice President of the Harrison County Campus,
Keesler Center, & Naval Construction Battalion Center

Dr. Adam Swanson
Vice President of Technology & Research

Dr. Ladd Taylor
Vice President of Perkinston Campus & George County Center

Dr. Jonathan Woodward
Vice President of Teaching & Learning /
Community Campus

Answer Center

(228) 896-2536questions@mgccc.eduMonday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Business Offices

George County Center
(601) 766-6451

Harrison County Campus
(228) 896-2503

Jackson County Campus
(228) 497-7801

Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6338


Perkinston Campus
(601) 928-6220

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