b'To complete and submit the online Supplemental Application: 1.Visit MGCCC Web Services 2.Enter the GCID (M#) and Password 3.Select Student 4.Select School of Nursing and Health Professions Supplemental Application5.Thereafter, the applicant MUST read the guidelines carefully.In order to complete and submit the application, college admission and ALL pre-requisite requirements are requiredSupplemental Application Deadline Dates:Fall semester - July 1 Spring semester - November 1 (If deadline falls on a weekend, holiday, or closing, the deadline is 5 p.m. on the next college business day). ALL required test scores, transcripts, and entry items (CBC, Pre-School of Nursing and Health Professions orientation session, etc.) must be completed with results placed in Banner (MGCCC\'s computer information system) by the appropriate college employee prior to the deadline. In addition, any outstanding college holds must be clear in order for the applicant to complete and submit the supplemental program application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.(MGCCC reserves the right to review additional supplemental applications following the posted deadline). All test scores, transcripts and required documentation must be received by this date. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Late applications may be considered depending upon space availability on the first day of class. Academic and Entry Requirements Completion of the Enhanced ACT is a program requirement.A score of 18 or higher taken October 1, 1989 or later is required.However, if the ACT score is less than 18, an applicant can qualify by successfully completing 21 semester hours of the program\'s degree-required courses maintaining a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The 21 credit hours must include Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy & Physiology II and Microbiology with a grade of "C" or better in each. Science Courses (A&P I, II & Microbiology) must be less than 5 years old unless the applicant is a LPN, a post professional BS degree conferred student, or has a conferred Health -related Associate of Applied Science Degree. (A post Baccalaureate-Degree student is defined as a student who currently holds a bachelor\'s degree and is now pursuing the Associate of Applied Science Degree or a diploma in Nursing). An applicant may not have more than one grade of D and/or F in one or more required science courses within five years of applying to the nursing program.A core grade point average of 2.5 or higher (A core GPA is defined as the average of the best grade achieved for all required courses). If you have taken extra courses, not required by the program or previous nursing courses, those courses will NOT be used to calculate the GPA Review the online mandatory Pre-School of Nursing and Health Professions Orientation Session prior to completing the supplemental application for program ranking.The session can be viewed anytime and anywhere you have access to the internet.The Power Point presentation gives you valuable information on topics common to all School of Nursing and Health Professions programs at MGCCC. Even without the ability to speak directly or interact immediately with a School of Nursing and Health Professions advisor, the session speaks to frequently asked questions from program entrance to completion.In order to receive credit for viewing the session, follow the steps below.The information is approximately one (1) hour in length.To complete this requirement do the following: 1.Visit MGCCC Web Services 2.Enter the GCID (M#) and Password 3.Select Student 4.Select School of Nursing and Health Professions Supplemental Application Orientation Session.5.In order to receive credit, you must review the entire session. 6.Click survey complete so that your log-in information will be recorded in the college\'s BANNER system.178'