b'Scholastic Standards Minimum Scholastic Standards of Progress* Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College has established minimum scholastic standards for cumulative grade point average.All programs of study require a minimum 2.0 GPA for graduation.Institutional scholarship recipients may have different standards. Semester Hours Attempted - Grade Point Average (GPA) 161.0 7181.5 19301.75 31411.9 42 and above2.0 Scholastic Probation If a student fails to maintain a minimum grade point average, he or she is placed on academic probation. If the student does not remove the deficiency in the semester immediately following academic probation, the student is placed on academic suspension and becomes ineligible to re-enroll for a period of at least one regular semester (does not include the Summer Semester).Transfer students will adhere to the same standards for academic suspension. If the student re-enrolls after a period of academic suspension, he or she enters the college on a probationary status and has a period of one semester to remove the deficiency. (Students receiving financial aid should consult this publication for information about financial aid probation or suspension.) Scholastic Suspension Students who fail to meet the 2.0 term GPA at the end of their probationary semester will be suspended from the College. The student is prohibited from enrolling in classes for one semester following suspension and any pre-registered classes will be removed from the system. Upon returning, the student will be placed on probation for two semesters and must achieve a 2.0 term GPA the first semester and a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of the second semester to continue enrollment. Returning to Good Standing In order for a student to return to Good Standing after being placed on Scholastic Probation, the student must achieve a 2.0 term GPA the following term to be removed from probation (i.e. if the probation results from fall grades, the student must achieve a 2.0 GPA in the spring semester). Readmission Any student suspended for scholastic reasons for the first time qualifies for re-admission on conditional status by remaining out of the College for at least one (1) full term (summer term included). The student must complete the petition for readmission which may be obtained from the Director of Admissions.Petitions will be decided on an individual basis. See the Dean of Student Services and Enrollment Management or Director of Admissions for more information. 59'